The Whole Nine Yards about Eating Disorders

Posted by Stify George
Sep 21, 2018

According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, nearly more than 30 million people suffer from eating disorders across the United States.

However, you may see the term “eating disorder” as vague. You might likewise consider yourself pondering over how exactly an eating disorder is defined? What are their different types? Here is the basic eating disorder information that you may find useful and worthwhile.

eating disorder help

Eating disorders are alarming and occasionally fatal maladies that prompt grievous disturbances to a person’s eating habits. Information about eating disorder includes volatile obsessions with food, body shape and weight considered as the prime warning signs. Commonly found eating disorders encompass anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is distinguished by a noteworthy and persistent reduction in food consumption triggering an abnormally low body weight in relation to factors like age, sex, and physical health.

It’s further characterized by a tireless quest for thinness, distortion of body image, severe dread of putting on weight and remarkably disrupted eating behaviour. Numerous individuals with anorexia consider themselves to be obese even when they are famished or extremely malnourished.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa is described as binge eating that indicates gorging on excessive amounts of food in a short span of time coupled with a sense of an uncontrollable anxiety.

This is trailed by a type of behaviour that makes up for the binge feat with an activity like purging (includes self-inflicted vomiting, diuretics or unrestricted use of laxatives), fasting, and/or overindulgent exercise.

People with bulimia, unlike anorexia nervosa, often maintain a normal weight. But akin to anorexic people they regularly fear gaining weight, seriously want to lose weight and are consistently unsatisfied with their body weight and shape.

Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is identified by voracious eating episodes during the course of which a person is perceived to be out of control and significantly distressed with the eating behaviour at the same time.

Binge eating occurrences, unlike bulimia nervosa, are not shadowed by purging, inordinate exercise or fasting. As a consequence, people affected by binge eating disorder are often morbidly obese.

Getting help for people with eating disorders

Eating disorders can have an impact on anyone. They can be extremely grave and life-and-death conditions. It’s because of this cardinal situation, finding the right treatment for eating disorders is an absolute necessity. If you come across anyone under the influence of the above critical and dangerous conditions, don’t delay in getting the proper eating disorder help that the person needs.

About eating disorder treatment programs

Various established treatment centers offer a safe, cloistered and an acceptable setting to start working on eating disorder recovery. The in-house clinicians who have extensive years of experience and expertise aiding people with eating disorders, tackle the suppressed psychological, emotional and trauma wounds that have led to the fuelling of the disoriented eating habit.

eating disorder treatment centers

The treatment provides a journey to the clients for exploring interpersonal problems, societal prejudices and a difficult past life. The innovative therapy helps them recognize triggers, curb enabling behaviours, boost self-confidence, improve communication skills and learn effective ways to face challenges.

The recovery centers are also committed to offering in-depth information with eating disorder resources that include online professional development facilities like complementary and easy access to downloadable articles, researches, periodic updates, announcements and bulletins
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