How to Effectively Clean Your Home to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Posted by Samantha Simpson
Apr 4, 2018

Imagine - there’s a quaint little house in your neighborhood which everyone avoids. Why? Because its front yard is overgrown and interspersed with wily weeds. Its windows are laced with layers of grime and years of dust. The roof gutters are blocked with fungi-infested debris. If you dare to step inside, you’ll find sludgy tiles, dirty furniture, and a stained carpet. In short, the very air around the house is polluted and infected, which is perhaps the reason why its inhabitants are ill all the time. Their lifestyle is so unclean that it is unhealthy.


If you don’t want your house to turn out like that, make sure you thoroughly clean it so you can live a safe, healthy life. Read the following guide, and start doing the difficult, but not impossible, job.


Take a look around your house. Do you see toys littering the floor, laundry dispersed around carelessly, walls full of unnecessary postcards, and kitchen cabinets containing boxes of unopened cereal? If so, it’s time to put your gloves on, clear your mind, take a deep breath, play some music, and start decluttering. Return the necessary stuff back to its allocated position, and throw everything away which you’re never ever going to use. Free up space and clear your place. After all, less is better.


Every home has its own system of how things operate. If that system is disharmonic, the whole house gets affected terribly. For example, take a house where everyone works, and as such everyone is in a rush at all times. They don’t pay much attention to cleaning and clearing. This results in stuff piling up, which then leads to the rise of some potential health hazards around the house. That is why it is crucial that the system of your house is organized, not haphazard. Color code your tools, perfectly position your crystal decorations, and separate your spices.


It is no secret that the air and very atmosphere we breathe is polluted to a great extent. There’s smoke emissions, low-key harmful allergens, and most annoying of all, dust, which falls on anything and everything. It sees an opening and makes its way into your house, silently sitting on your stuff, and sneaking into your lungs, bringing some pretty bad diseases with it. It compromises your health and your very safety.


It’s time you blocked the openings and dust away the dust. Vacuum your carpet and curtains, so that not a single grain remains. If you live in a region where dust storms are a regular thing, you can catch one on its way through your Vivint doorbell camera. This will allow you to secure your entryways in time. Be powerful in your defense against dust.


If you leave your tiled floors untreated for a long time, little dirt formations will start to take shape in the gaps and cracks, leading to fungi build-up and dangerous mold. It’s absolutely vital that you regularly sweep and mop your tiled floors with eco-friendly cleaning agents. Don’t forget to ventilate after, as you don’t want the chemical smell to roam around your house. Make your floors so clean that they’re safe enough to walk on barefoot.


With the aforementioned cleaning tactics, you can make sure that your house is dust-free, allergen-free, grime-free and pollution-free. After this, living a healthy and safe lifestyle is totally within your reach.



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