How To Disable McAfee Antivirus?

Posted by Mike Metsan
Dec 28, 2017

McAfee Antivirus Plus is one of the security applications launched by McAfee, providing a security against adware & malware. The antivirus scans the PC thoroughly and in a faster way. The additional feature of the product is that it includes McAfee’s Threat Map for visually showing where the latest malware is coming and even get the attackers’ location too. The security package includes the following tools and software for offering a protection layer to the device:

  1. Adware and malware removal tools
  2. Anti-spam software
  3. Desktop antivirus
  4. Mobile device antivirus
  5. Firewall
  6. File shredder

McAfee Antivirus

The McAfee Antivirus Plus covers unlimited number of devices on various platforms. The firewall included allows the user to set rules manually as per his requirements. The file shredder let the sensitive files to disappear from the device offering the four levels of erasure. Sometimes the antivirus make the device slow so the user need to disable the McAfee antivirus temporarily as the permanent uninstallation may lead the device prone to the online threat attacks. In the below information, I am introducing easy steps to temporarily disable the McAfee antivirus for various platforms such as Mac and Windows. The step wise procedure as follows:

Method 1: On Windows:

  1. Explore the start button and type “McAfee” for searching the McAfee program over the device.
  2. Under the “Desktop App” subheading there will an option “McAfee LiveSafe”, click the option to open the McAfee.
  3. At the upper-left corner of the McAfee Window, select PC Security tab.
  4. Now select the Real-Time Scanning option over the left corner of the McAfee Window.
  5. On the Real-Time Scanning page, click “Turn Off” option.
  6. Here the user can set the different time limit for real-time scanning to reactivate. For manual reactivation of the software select “Never” as time limit else set a time limit for resuming the scanning process.
  7. Select “Done”, placed next to Turn Off button.
  8. Now select the Firewall tab, and select “Turn Off” after selecting a time limit.
  9. Exit firewall window.
  10. Click automatic updates and select “turn off” option.
  11. Now click scheduled scans and select “turn off” option.

Method 2: On Mac:

  1. Click the McAfee icon and select the Internet Security option.
  2. On the window displayed, select McAfee LiveSafe >> Internet Security Console.
  3. Click the home tab, and then click gear icon at the top-right corner of home tab.
  4. Click real-time scanning and disable it.
  5. Just below real-time scanning option, firewall option is present, click it and disable it too.
  6. Click Automatic Updates and disable it also.
  7. Just at bottom of the “” there is scheduled scans option, disable it.
  8. Now unlock the full and custom Scan Settings page.
  9. Schedule the time limit as “Never” to avoid the reactivation of McAfee else set a particular time as its limit after the completion of time limit.
  10. Now the McAfee has been completely disabled.

Still if you want to know more than visit:

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