How to calculate IQ by yourself date of birth and a calculator

Posted by Ben IQ Max
Sep 6, 2020
Today we will learn how to measure IQ. One commenter asked that he wanted instructions to calculate his IQ using his date of birth and a casio calculator.

I would also like to answer as follows: Calculating the intelligence index by the date of birth alone can not calculate because it has not enough data. Because the formula for calculating IQ is as follows:

The formula for calculating intelligence index is to divide the mental age score by the actual age and multiply it by 100. It is a popular method in modern day people often do so.

IQ = (Mental age / Physical age) * 100;

To know your mental age, you must take the IQ test to get. Combine this with the year of birth to know your age and calculate your IQ. If you know your mental age score you can use the casio calculator and calculate the formula above.

Nowadays, most IQ sheets will calculate your IQ. After the test is completed they will ask you to enter your current age in place of your date of birth. And publish your results for free, unlike some obscure sites that force users to compose messages and not return results.

We invite you to take part in our IQ test. The test includes 26 questions about math, logic reasoning, pictures, especially easy-to-understand Vietnamese language.
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