How Depression Affects Our Life? How We Can Get Rid of It?

Posted by Pankaj Kumar
Sep 21, 2020

Depression is the major mental illness that most patients see. This problem is spread all over the world including India, which is a matter of concern for the world.

According to the report published on the India Today website, India is the world's most depressed country, which means that most people suffer from depression. About 6.5 percent of India's population suffers from depression, of which about 10.9 people commit suicide per lakh people.

This is due to the lack of knowledge of mental illness, which all people should try to overcome.

What is Depression?

Depression refers to a mental illness in which a person feels lonely, depressed, etc. It is mainly associated with mood disorder, which affects the thinking, behavior etc. of a person.

What are the Symptoms of Depression?

However, it is not easy for any person to recognize the symptom of depression as it starts in a normal way, which takes serious form after some time.

  • Feeling angry or nervous - Usually, we all get angry sometimes, which is a natural thing, but when a person feels angry one moment and nervous the next, it is a sign of depression.
  • Being depressed - If a person feels very depressed, then he should not ignore it but should inform the psychologist. Since feeling depressed all the time is a sign of depression, there is a dire need for treatment.
  • Lack of heart in some work - In such a situation, people get bored while doing any work, due to which their work does not yield the result as it should.
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feeling of weakness - Any mental disease starts with physical ability, which means that its symptoms first appear on the human body.

What are the Causes of Depression?

Depression can occur to anyone of any age, which may have different reasons.

  • Exploitation - Exploitation is the major cause of depression. Thus, this problem is more likely to occur mainly in people with physical abuse.
  • Consumption of any kind of medicine - Often, depression is also the result of side-effects of medicine. Therefore, if a person is undergoing some kind of treatment, then he should consume the medicine in limited form so that he does not face any side-effects.
  • Quarrel - You must have heard that the impact of the home environment has a deep impact on children and other family members. If there is a lot of quarrels in a family, the mental health of its members can be adversely affected and they may become victims of depression.
  • Death of a loved one - It is very painful for any of us to lose our loved ones. This affects our life as well as mental health, which results in many mental illnesses.
  • Similar diseases include depression or depression, which psychologists have to resort to in order to get out.
  • Genetic cause - Another cause of depression is genetic. Thus, if another member of a person's family is suffering from depression, he / she may also develop the disease.

How can Depression be Identified?

Thus, if a person is suspected of suffering from depression, then he should overcome it in 5 ways: -

  • Talking with a psychologist - The easiest way to identify depression is to talk to a psychologist. In this, the doctor asks the person questions about his history, family environment, health, etc., so that he can know that the person does not have any problem.
  • Blood test - Since depression is also the result of other diseases, doctors also use clinical tests like blood test to confirm it. This is done so that it is known that the person is suffering from some kind of disease.
  • Examining medical history- Often, doctors also examine medical history to detect depression or depression.
  • Talking about life style - Many times, information about lifestyle of people is also collected to detect depression.

How can Depression be Treated?

As soon as a person is confirmed to be suffering from depression, it is necessary to start treatment. By doing this he can be protected from potential dangers. Thus, depression can be treated in the following way:-

  • Taking medicine - The easiest way to treat depression is to take medicine.
  • These medicines help the people suffering from this by calming the muscles of the brain.
  • Psychotherapy - The treatment of depression is also possible through psychotherapy. In this therapy, the natural, social environment, etc. of the people are monitored and based on this, an attempt is made to treat them.
  • Light therapy - Often, depression is also treated with light therapy. In this, people suffering from depression are seated near the light device and light is put on their brain, so that the inner state of their brain can be examined.
  • Exercise - Depression can also be treated by exercise. This includes brain exercises, which increases brain capacity.
  • Drug Abstinence - Many times, doctors advise people suffering from this mental illness to abstain from narcotics. Thus, distance from such things can also prove helpful in curing depression.

What are the Possible Risks of Depression?

People suffering from depression may face these 5 risks:-

  • Drug Addiction - If depression is left untreated, the person suffering from it can become addicted to drugs. This situation falls on him as well as his family members and their lives become worse.
  • Increased sourness in relationships - People's relationships can get worse if depression is incurable for a long time. Due to this, their relationships may increase, which can lead to fatal consequences.
  • Increased risk of heart attack - Depression also affects other parts of the human body. Because of this, they may also increase the risk of heart attack.
  • Sleeplessness - Often, people suffering from this problem complain of not sleeping. Thus, side-effects of depression include sleepiness.
  • Suicide - Suicide is a serious risk of depression. Thus, depression can prove fatal to any person.

How to Prevent Depression?

If a person follows the following things, then he can easily prevent depression:-

  • Stress meaning - Since depression is a form of tension, stress meaning can prove to be beneficial for its prevention.
  • Getting plenty of sleep - If a person gets enough sleep (6-8 hours), then he is less likely to have depression.
  • Thus, effective way to avoid depression is to get plenty of sleep.
  • Exercising- Exercising to avoid depression can be a better option because exercise affects people's physical health as well as mental health.
  • Eating healthy food - All of us should take special care of our food and drink because it helps us to avoid serious diseases like depression.
  • Getting health checkups regularly - This is the most important thing that all people should follow. If we get health check-up regularly, then we can detect the symptoms of possible illness in time and with this we can get our treatment done properly.
  • Contacting a psychologist - If a person sees a sudden change in his / her nature, then he / she should visit the psychologist without delay.
  • In such a situation, we can live better lives by getting treatment properly.
  • However, it is quite sad that in our view, the attitude of people suffering from mental diseases and people is not well.
  • This thing is also seen about depression or depression, when a person talks to us about suffering from it, then we ignore this and think about how this person can be depressed.
  • Some people may not accept this, but the truth is always bitter and this is true of our society or ours. On the contrary, a lot of campaigns are being carried out around the world for depression, so that people can be given maximum information about this disease.

Pay Attention to Diet

A good diet is also very helpful in dealing with depression: -

  • Eat nutritious food, which is rich in carbohydrates as well as protein and mineral, such as oats, wheat, cereals, eggs, milk-yogurt, cheese, green vegetables (beans, spinach, peas, fenugreek etc.) and seasonality. Fruit.
  • Eat anti-oxidant and vitamin-C items, such as broccoli, sitaphal, spinach, walnuts, raisins, sweet potatoes, berries, blueberries, kiwis, oranges, etc.
  • Include Omega-Three in food. For this, eat flaxseeds (flaxseed), nuts, canola, soybeans etc. Focus on colorful food like carrots, tomatoes, blueberries, orange, etc. instead of eating colorless. - Drink plenty of water. Drink plenty of coconut water, buttermilk etc. - Stay away from spicy food and junk food.

Yoga will Overcome Tension

Stress can be removed through jogging, swimming and outdoor games. This condition can also be dealt with to a great extent through yoga. Before doing this, consult a yoga expert. You can do Surya Pranayama and Kapalbhati. But do yoga like Tadasana, Katichkrasan, Uttanapadasana, Bharkatasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanuasana, Mandukasana under the supervision of a qualified expert.

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is a complete exercise. By doing this, all parts of the body are exercised. Surya Namaskar should be done in the morning by facing the rising sun in the open. It gives the body energy and vitamin D. Mental stress is also relieved. There is a total of 12 steps, which have different effects on the body.

How to Greet Sun?

  1. First of all, stand with both hands straight.
  2. While inhaling, stretch both your hands upwards with the ears and stretch the body backwards.

Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurvedacharya R. According to P. Parashar, in Ayurveda it is recommended to eat Rasayana medicine for the treatment of depression. Often these chemicals are made from Amla, Brahmi Ghrita, Shankhpushpi, Brihati, Kanthakari, Harad, Sonak, Kambhari, Prishparni, Bala Salparani, Jeevanti, Moodapadni, Shatavadi, Medha, Mahamedha, Vrishbhak, Mukta, Pipli. It is a mixture of many things, so eat it only with the advice of the physician. Different intake of these is also beneficial. It is also treated with touch and sound therapy. Many a times with medicine, prayer, meditation, chanting of chants try to eliminate negative hormones from the sound wave.

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