Exploring a Great Collection of Panchatantra Stories for Kids

Posted by Henry kings
Nov 30, 2018

We all have grown up reading as well as listening to Panchatantra stories. These are the most favorite stories for every child. Not only do these stories entertain children but also impart moral values to them.

How to compare between the good and bad, how to become a helpful friend, and how to behave well socially are a few lessons which Panchatantra stories teach kids. And these stories remain with them forever, when they are all grown up and parents of kids. Possibly this is the reason why parents read these stories to their kids as well.

What Are Panchatantra Stories?

Panchatantra is a collection of 5 volumes of stories which a teacher or guru wrote for instructing the various features of kinghood for princes. These 5 volumes serve together as an instruction for promising kings, to help them rule properly, select friends and fellow ministers appropriately, and for having good conducts in their regular life. These stories in Panchatantra are the bliss for parents to help them raise their kids teaching them moral values in human life. All Panchatantra stories for kids are accompanied by a moral at the end of the story.

Background History of Panchatantra

Somewhere around 2nd – 3rd BC, Pundit Vishnu Sharma wrote Panchatantra. This composition is still available and published in different languages, tells about its effect and fame. So, you can get it in both Panchatantra stories in English and Panchatantra Ki Kahaniya in Hindi on the market.

Just like the story, its history is also enough interesting. In accordance with the belief, Pundit Vishnu Sharma, alongside other scholars, wrote this dated composition for teaching 3 Hindu princes the moral values, wise conduct, and principles of human life.

You will find the beauty of Panchatantra in the fact that life’s philosophy has been the same all over the centuries. Panchatantra embodies the deep-rooted values of life which have remained unshaken, standing the test of time.

5 Volumes of Panchatantra

The term ‘Panchatantra’ consists of 2 Sanskrit words: ‘Pancha’ which means 5 and ‘Tantra’ which means the wise conduct or art of living. As mentioned before it comprises 5 volumes with every detailing particular life lessons.

1. Mitra-Bheda (The Loss of Friends)

This is the longest and the first-ever session of Panchatantra. ‘Mitra’ means Friend and ‘Bheda’ means Differences. So, it’s evident that this volume speaks about friends and how you can maintain friendships through a volume of tales.

2. Mitra-Labha (The Winning of Friends)

This is the 2nd series of Panchatantra which contains stories stating the value of friendship in life. Through its easy stories discussing animals, this series shows its magic on kids and helps them know the value of friendship.

3. Kakolukiyam (Crows and Owls)

This 3rd volume of Panchatantra presents the golden guidelines of friendship and helps differentiate friends from enemies.

4. Labdhapranasam (Loss of Gains)

The 4th volume of Panchatantra discusses the strength of staying calm even in problematic situations.

5. Apariksitakarakam (III Considered Action)

The final volume of Panchatantra highlights the moral lessons and conducts of life. It enlists the stories on how being reckless can be harmful.

Top Panchatantra Stories for Kids to Read

1. The Foolish Crane and the Mongoose – This tale provides a powerful message regarding carefulness and strategy. It says about a crane that takes instructions of a crab without understanding its consequences completely. Hence, it experienced loss of its kids.

2. The Hermit and the Mouse – This tale speaks about a hermit and a proud yet foolish mouse. The story completes with an amazing lesson on how pride can be somebody’s own foe.

3. The Brahmin and the Crooks – This small story discusses a significant lesson – weak if united, can fight and defeat even a wise person.

4. The Lion and the Foolish Donkey – This tale is regarding a Jackal, a Lion, and a stupid Donkey. It discusses how a jackal makes a donkey fool not once but twice, and ultimately the donkey lost its life.


Panchatantra stories are the magical collection of stories that comprise of 5 volumes. Each volume contains some basic lessons that kids should learn to grow up in a better way, understanding the moral conducts of life. Panchatantra stories are the real boon for parents to help them teach their kids the basic moral standards of life. These stories impart the lesson to help kids learn how they can make friends, differentiate between the right and the wrong, how they can maintain friendships and how to maintain good behavior socially as well. Parents read these stories as bedtime stories also.

Author Bio

The author is a creative writer and simply loves to write on different topics related to kids. Presently, she is researching Panchatantra stories for kids and her articles state how these stories are advantageous for children.

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