Encouraging children to a healthy life style

Posted by Sisschool Jaipur
Dec 10, 2018
We often think that what should we do to approach our kids to a healthy lifestyle and what changes we should make in their eating habits or what to avoid? These are the very common questions among most of the parents and in today’s lifestyle, we often see many diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular which are on the rise in the modern society. 

If you too are one of those parents who are looking ways in this regard, here are some points which can be considered not only by parents but also teachers of Rajasthan Board English Medium School for their students:

Healthy eating plate: A study conducted in this regard which has come up with the solution in form of a healthy food plate. It shows us that what kind of foods we should provide our kids. We can use this plate as a significant guide for kids in order to create the healthy meals which can be served on the plate or in their lunch box. We can also put a copy of this in eh refrigerator for them so that we could make the balanced meals. 

Fill half of the plate with healthy fruits: We should fill half of the plates of the kids with vegetables and fruits and it would be good if we go for the different colors and types. One thing we should remember is that potatoes cannot be counted as a vegetable here due to their negative effects on the blood sugar. It would be good for the students of Rajasthan Board School in Jaipur.

Fill quarter of the plate with whole grains: along with the vegetables, whole grains are also very important such as brown rise, whole wheat and barley which you can put your kid’s plates.  They are the huge sources for insulin and blood sugar in comparison to their white parts such as white rice, white bread and other refined grains. 

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