Dubai Social Media Marketing Agency

Posted by ChintaHaran Ojha
Oct 26, 2017
Social media marketing services are usually provided by digital marketing agencies which act as a 360 degree digital service agency, or a standalone social media agency. The services that fall under social media marketing are managing social assets for a brand or a start-up. These social channels would typically include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, G+, YouTube, LinkedIN etc. The social media marketing strategy would typically be different for each country and the budget allocation would also depend on the geographic location. For example, the social channel that may work in Dubai may not work in Singapore, and vice versa. Also, the cultural and traditional patterns need to be taken into consideration while chalking a social media strategy. For example, a weekend post on a Friday/Saturday would work across the Middle Eastern / GCC region, while the same on a Saturday/Sunday would work in Europe, Asia, America. So it is very critical to have the initial research and therefore the correct social media strategy in place before the social media marketing activities begin. These fall under the ‘execution' part. 

A smart social media marketing service is aimed at initiating, and continuing two-way conversations (positive) for a brand or a start-up, engagement (healthy), and ones ending in sales. This is a grey area and many social media marketing agencies are sensitive about touching on the ROI’s as they may believe that social media marketing services can only help in branding exercises but not direct ROI’s. The fact is that the canvas has changed in today’s scenario and ROI is very much possible from social media channels. Getting ROI’s can be linked to paid and organic activities on social media channels. It is important to have the right social media agency or the right digital agency which can help to leverage the social media marketing activities for your brand or startup such that it attracts, engages, and converts your prospects into customers. The right agency will also help your brand grow on the largest marketing channels- the social media channel, will guide and hand-hold your brand or start-up through the entire process, and take ownership and responsibility of generating revenues for your business. Count on a smart social media marketing agency which has the exposure and experience to grow your business, online. Do not worry about the agency being a 50+ employee organization. Worry about the exposure they have under their belt, the passion and dedication they portray, and most importantly the understanding they have for your subject and your space. Leaving your business with the right social media marketing (SMO) agency is like trusting your doctor. You simply go ahead with your dosage of prescribed medicines with a assurance of being in the ‘right hands’ and the assurance of getting well soon. Social media marketing service is no different. 
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