Does sending a dyslexic child to a normal school help?

A public school in the USA receives funding based on student attendance. If a student attends school, whether dyslexic or not, the school gets its per diem payment per the arrangement with the state department of education and the state's various school districts.
A dyslexic student who doesn't recognize letters, doesn't know their sounds (phonics), cannot read, is as number- illiterate as letter-illiterate, and is 13 years old doesn't at first glance seem to be making educational progress.
I wonder if she has an IEP or if she has been formally assessed by a psychological-educational evaluation; and if so, whether a report of same was received by her school; and if so, whether the report contained accommodations and special ed services and accommodations to allow this student to access the curriculum; and, if so, whether the services and accommodations are helping this student to meet SMART (specific, measurable...) educational goals. If the educational services and accommodations aren't working satisfactorily then it is time to alter the educational program to meet this student's educational needs.
It sounds to me as if she has been plopped into a school and not given the tools needed for her to succeed.
Except for a very small percentage of students, almost everyone can learn to read even someone with dyslexia and co-occurring disabilities.
The school's educational plan for her may need to be re-evaluated.