How Do We Teach Goal Setting?

Posted by Help Is Here
Nov 23, 2017

One of the best ways to kick off the school year is with a unit on goal setting, since everyone returns fresh from summer vacation and ready for a strong new start. Every student has a vague idea of how to set goals. However, many of them to use this point to work on accomplishing something that is personal to them. It can involve any aspect of their health, physical, mental, emotional and social.

It is really our responsibility to teach the children and kids to set their goal setting. Sometimes, it is really easy to set an arbitrary goal for some point in the future. It is quite different to consciously choose a realistic goal to attain and develop an action plan in order to achieve it. Understanding how to set realistic goals and developing plan to achieve the goals are essential in helping students understand who they are as learners and provides them with the opportunity to reflect upon their journey, instead of simply focusing on success and failures.

Given below are some best ways to help the children and teach them to set their goals when they are puzzled.

Set A Smart Goal: Before planning for all the tasks, you need to set a specific goal so that they can work on it. Making short goals can make your children more dedicated towards their goals. They have the ambition to complete the task on the time.

Find Someone Who Can Help: Setting goals are quite difficult to accomplish without support. Finding help is an imperative way to complete these tasks is a good way to set your goals. Please keep in mind that help can come in many different forms, a parent, coach, teacher, friend or many others. It does not matter from whoever you are taking help, make sure that you are sticking to your plan.

Set Goals That Are Based On Right Action Not Circumstances: While setting the goal make sure the goals are based on the right action not on circumstances. The goals based on right action always help to achieve your kids what they want. It creates a positive vibe in your kid’s mind and encourages them to complete the next goal in future.

Write The Goals Down: This one’s backed by science. Recent studies have found that when a student writes out their goals, they are helping to erase gender and ethnic minority gaps in education. If you write all the goals on a paper and keep it in front of your eyes, of course it will make you inspired and encouraged. So it will help your kids a lot as their inner feeling will force them to accomplish the goals on a specific time or duration.

Include A Specific Timeline: There are some action plans and action item that may be ongoing, while others have specific time requirements. For example, for seniors applying to college, action items with proper deadlines are really critical. In that case, make sure that the students include timelines when applicable and encourage them to sync those timelines with their calendar is also an important to achieve the best results.

Identify Your Obstacles To Get Success: Creating action item is an imperative key but identifying what stands in the way of student’s success is also an important piece of puzzle. Before setting your goals make sure to identify the obstacles to get your success. By eliminating these obstacles, you can go ahead to accomplish your goals in future. Finally, every individual is simple and has unique qualities to set their goals or future perspectives. To achieve the goals we need to teach proper lessons to children, so that they can accomplish their goals and get success.

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