Digital World of Grocery

In this era of Digital shopping we now expect ‘All things are possible through digital” so why not our weekly grocery shopping as well? It is an essential category due to the frequency of purchase and the sheer necessity of this shopping. You can stop going to the movie theatre or restaurants, but daily essentials like toothpaste, oil, vegetables, soap etc. can’t be ignored. Groceries have the largest and consistent share of the wallet for any household. With increasing penetration of the internet, and the upsurge in millennial shoppers - online shopping has gained momentum and with improved comforts with various payment choices it has become relatively easy. Online grocery in particular holds the advantage of a high percentage of repeat orders. Grocery shopping- chalking out a list, finding the best store, hunting for the right brand and products and then finally allocating precious hours in shopping, all these can be avoided by logging onto online grocery store where ease, convenience and personalization of grocery shopping is paramount.
Online grocery markets have achieved unprecedented growth where consumers save their time and money by ordering grocery online. According to a survey in 60 different countries, a quarter of consumers order their groceries online and 55% are willing to do in future.
Consumers are reluctant to change their mode of shopping and for groceries, the offline experience is ingrained. People are habituated to local stores and kiranas for their grocery purchases, which virtual grocers like quick2kart have to break. Online grocers like quick2kart are slowly sensitizing customers about the benefits of online grocery shopping. Perishable products and its storage are also a big issue since vegetables & dairy products cannot be stored for longer duration which a site like quick2kart has effortlessly managed to overcome.
Large investment is another issue for the e-grocery business since they have to have a traditional warehousing format with many warehouses located in different regions. The supply chain is another major hurdle for a successful e-grocery business and here quick2kart has launched an efficient delivery schedule lending a tough competition to the ubiquitous Mom & Pop stores.
While many online sites have proliferated in the last few months, Quick2kart’s differentiation of quickest delivery has helped carve out an independent business model. Big retailers are yet to enter the market, which would give smaller retailers a run for their money. Though the challenges are galore, yet the opportunity is immense and quick2kart is up for the challenge.