Carpool your way through the Odd-Even rule

Posted by Letstrack LTD
Nov 7, 2019

After the alarming condition of the national capital because of smog the last few days, the third edition of odd-even has started. Brought to force in 2016, the odd-even method is a system where vehicle registration numbers will decide which cars get to be on the road on which day. The rule has been implemented in light of Delhi’s severe Air Quality Index, or AQI, which has reached an alarming level and has become a public health hazard. While the government is implementing the odd-even rule, there are other ways through which you can help keep your health in check, while also making sure you reach your work or home conveniently.

The best way to do this, and also an age-old method which somehow hasn’t caught-on, is Carpooling. Talk to your colleagues, find the ones who travel on a particular route and then decide who will bring their car when. It’s convenient, conserves nature and also saves your fuel and hassles of driving in traffic. You can make your drives and pooling even better by using the Letstrack app. Tell your fellow poolers to download the app and then you can track them, checking how far they are and how long they might take. Through the app’s inbuilt chat option, you can message seamlessly to all of them too, staying connected on the go. 

If you live in the outskirts or some ways away from your colleagues, Letstrack App has a radar view as well. Through this you can see everyone around you who’s using Letstrack and converse with them regarding the carpool arrangement. This is probably the most beneficial arrangement that you can make, where you can address a multitude of problems. So come on, start Letstracking and carpooling for nature and your health.


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