Build strong bonding with through writing them letters

Posted by Sisschool Jaipur
Nov 24, 2018
Many things can change between the kids and parents throughout the time but one thing that never change which is love and care but most of the time, we stop to express our feelings to the kids due to the hectic schedule of work or pressure of completing the target before the deadline. Although the kids know that we love them unconditionally and unlimited but sometimes it is better to express and say a few words to them such as, “Kid, I Love you, I care for you, you are everything for me” etc. It feels them that they will be special and first priority for us forever, does not matter how old they are or how much busy we are. 

Recently we talked and discussed with Best English Medium School in Jaipur and found that the new and unique idea to make them realize our love and affection is writing a personal letter to them in which we are not only appreciating them for their achievements in the study but also showing that we love them more than any person in the world. Here are the ideas to consider:

 Express Love: Just tell your child that you love them unconditionally by saying that,” I will always love you till my last breath, not because of what you do for me or your excellence in the study, it is because you made me feel completed and proud every single moment in my life”.  The most important thing is to make sure that our child knows our love for him is unconditional and not based on his excellence or grades. 

Praise them: Give an opportunity to the child for knowing that we are proud of him and his accomplishments, unique talents and abilities. You can say such as,” I will always proud of you for expressing your love towards your family and your help around the house,” you can also say,” I am so proud of you for excel in the exams and amazed by how you show the sportsman spirit in playing the games with your friends.” For more ideas, we can atke the help of rajasthan board english medium school in jaipur.

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