Benefits of Zero Turn Lawn Mower
A Zero Turn Mower is a lawn mower in which the mowing deck of the machine is in front. As the name reveals, zero turn refers to the turning radius of the mowers which is zero degrees. These lawn mowers have gained a lot of popularity due to its speed and maneuverability in mowing large areas is lesser time.
These are two types:
· A riding Mower
· A Walk Behind Mower
A Zero Turn Lawn Mower has two levers rather than steering wheel to control motors on each of the back wheels. Mostly, Zero Turn Mowers comprises of 4 wheels, two front wheels swiveling and rare wheels are driving wheels and are comparatively bigger. Zero Turning Radius is because one wheel is stopped and another motor is engaged, resulting in turning of mower within zero inches.
A Zero Turn Mower has a lot of advantages over a lawn tractor depending upon the surface it used for and features it contains as per surface. The swiveling front tires and out-front nature of the moving deck allow it to mow more efficiently than a regular lawn tractor. It is perfect for wide open spaces like a sports field, hilly areas, etc. However, it may result dangerous in uneven, bumpy regions if not handled properly. It is best used when dealt with by someone with adequate experience. A Zero Turn Mower may, however, be unsuitable on wet areas as the tires spin smoothly due to nature of steering.
A Zero Turn Mower is more versatile as more and more new attachments arrive in the market every year to make this machine handier. Moreover, more and more zero turn manufacturers are turning to alternative fuel sources rather than gas and diesel due to high fuel costs and greener energy demands.
Below are some of the biggest reasons why a Zero Turn Mower is superior to conventional mowers.
Better Mulching
A Zero Turn Mower comes with a higher blade tip speed overriding mowers. This higher blade tip allows it to chop up leaves in a better and more efficient manner than with conventional lawn mowers.
Time Saving
A Zero Turn Mowers is faster than traditional lawn mowers. Hence, it aids to save a lot of time. Research predicts that using a zero turn mower might be so time efficient that it may save almost half of your time when compared to other lawn mowers regardless of the size and obstacles in the area.
It is due to some features that come with a Zero turn mower. Higher maneuverability aids to skip obstacles like trees and houses. Zero Turning radius helps to change direction smoothly and with greater ease.
Longer Lasting
These lawn mowers are more durable and have a longer life than other conventional mowers. It is because of the speed it works with. As discussed earlier that the Zero Turn Mower saves a lot of time, hence, it is clear that the engine will have to operate for a shorter period and will, therefore, create less wear.
Fuel Efficient
Since your engine is not working for a longer period as it was in a conventional lawn mower, you are saving your fuel.
More Manoeuvrability
The dual motors that are fitted on each wheel of a Zero Turn Mower give this machine higher maneuverability. The driver gets control over each wheel independently and these independent controls the device to move backward, forward, left, right just by moving arms forward and back.
Less Trimming in Yard
Due to higher maneuverability and better mulching in areas close to obstacles, the user does not require extra time in some areas to achieve a clean leveled look. Unlike conventional mowers, these do not need extra time to push a mower again and again in the same region.
Cleaner Mow Jobs
With higher blade tips that almost all zero turn mower possess, it gets a better cut on the grass, making the garden look even and flat without any debris.
More Fun
Using a Zero Turn Mower is fun. If you haven't used one yet, what are you waiting for?
To mow a lawn or any other area is a task that usually requires ample time. However, a Zero Turn Mower is quicker and more efficient and mow wider areas than other traditional lawn mowers.
Due to more number of features than a conventional lawn mower, zero turn mower is more effective. Mostly a Zero Turn Mower has horsepower ranging from 5 to 30 resulting in extremely high cutting speed. Hence the machine works quickly and efficiently over vast areas. Moreover, the long blade radius helps to cut more grass comparatively.
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