Benefits of Fish Oil
Omega 3 fatty acids are counted among the most important essential nutrients of our daily diet.EPA and DHA, well known to improve symptoms related to heart, brain and skin, are but omega 3 fatty acids. Though its sources are both animals and plants yet former is advised to be preferred to latter as plant based ALA is converted into EPA and DHA in a very low ratio hence fetching us less benefits than what animal based EPA and DHA can get us.
Fish Oil ,enriched with animal based omega 3 fats, assists us in overcoming multiple health related challenges like cognitive and behavioural malfunction, likelihood of heart attacks, inflammation etc. It is known to improve our skin condition and hair growth as well. It makes our fight against several chronic and critical illness easy and less challenging.
Though claims regarding its miraculous benefits may be legion but so are the evidences confirming it.
Be it the study of American journal of clinical science conducted in 2008 or the Italian study (GISSI), omega 3 fat's properties are well established and recognised.Based on the findings of certain studies omega 3 fats has also been termed as antiarrhythmic,anti thrombotic, anti atherosclerotic and anti inflammatory as well.
The omega 3 contributes to our good health in following ways-
Reduces the risk of Heart attack- In a study conducted by American researchers, it has been reported that consumption of fish once or more every week reduces the chances of dying from sudden cardiac event by 50 percent than those who do not consume the same this frequently.
Keeps the brain healthy- EPA and DHA keep the dopamine level in our brain high, lower the depression level to a great extent, and increase cerebral circulation as well, hence, rendering us healthy at brain.
Good for the health of children: Omega 3 fats add to mental growth in children and even prevent childhood aggression as well.
Lowers the Triglyceride level- Increased level of triglyceride puts us at a high risk of heart attack. Omega 3, by lowering triglycerides, brings down the likelihood of occurrence of any cardiac event.
Relieves arthritis: Since certain studies suggest anti inflammatory nature of omega 3 fats, It can well relieve symptoms of arthritis as well.
Omega 3 fatty acids being a primary component to fish oil offer certain other health benefits as well like lowering the blood pressure, improving skin condition et cetera.