Benefits and Applications of Automotive Wire Harness

Posted by Tata Wiron
Jun 1, 2021

A wire harness is mostly defined as an assembly of electrical cables that transmit signals in electrical applications. They are a bundle of loose wires grouped into a single covering for a more organized system. Such wire harnesses are not only used in the electrical industry but are used in other industries too. The automotive industry is one of the largest industry. Automotive wire harnesses use a wide variety of wire harnesses, that are formed when automotive wire cables are grouped together, for the best possible performance. 

As automobiles are becoming more specialized, in today’s world autonomous, their designs require wiring considerations that go far beyond wire harness. These harnesses combine the wiring of different electrical and electronic components into a single system to aid in the single transmission and powering up of different electronic and electrical devices. These automotive wire cables that are grouped are used to set up electrical circuits in automobiles, and with the demand for electric vehicles and autonomous driving increasing all over the world, automotive wire harnesses have gone through an architectural revolution for the vehicles to operate in extreme conditions powerfully. 

Benefits of Automotive Wire Harness

Automotive Wire cables are grouped architecturally to form architectural wire harness so that they can improve the performance of the vehicle and provide several other benefits to the automobiles. Some of these include - 

Reduced installation time

It is always better to install a single unit or system that combines multiple wires instead of installing multiple automotive wire cables into the system. Not only installing a unit is fast compared to multiple wires, but this also reduces the risk of incorrect wiring possibilities. 

Reduced risk of shorting

The wire harness combines multiple automotive wire cables into non-flexible bundles, thus making it safer when compared to loose wires and cables, which in turn minimizes the risk of shorting in electrical circuits. 

Good performance in hybrid cars

As we move ahead, protecting the environment is one of the biggest concerns laid out there and most of the countries, including India, have started with the change in automobiles. There’s been a rise in the demand and production of hybrid and electric vehicles. Automotive wire cables are grouped in a specially formed architecture to make it a harness in hybrid vehicles, as it can transmit high currents in extreme conditions, thus being able to handle electric loads and resist high heat and electromagnetic noise. 

Improved performance in harsh conditions

Automotive wire harnesses are made from automotive wire cables made from durable materials, which in turn makes the harness durable too. They are structured and designed in such a way so that they can perform extremely well under extreme conditions and also carry heavy loads. 

Applications of Automotive Wire Harness

Automotive wire harnesses are used in two-wheelers, three-wheelers, four-wheelers, hybrid cars, electric vehicles, and commercial vehicles. As the electronic content in the cars has exponentially expanded, leading to more than 150 pounds of wiring in a single vehicle, a new wiring harness structure was needed. With wiring harnesses used in almost every component of the car, automotive wire cables are in high demand. Body wiring harnesses are embedded into dashboards, door locks, power windows, and interior electoral components. Engine wire harnessing, made from structuring automotive wire cable, are embedded into speed sensors, lock breaking systems, cruise control systems, and fuel injection systems. 

Visit Tata Wiron's website to know about other automotive wires manufactured.

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