A-Z of Focus & Concentration

Posted by JBM Global
Jan 11, 2018

We live in the world of electronics, computers, multichannel on Television and music systems, cell phones and different frequency of vibration emitting from all the gadgets and advertisements that surround us, children are increasingly developing low attention span.

The primary school in Noida opines that children tend to lose their focus and concentration while doing their tasks like homework and the main reason they face absorption or concentration issues is that they are connected differently. Concentration is required for listening to the teacher, focusing on classroom tasks and most aspects of learning. They tend to get bored and quickly shift their attention to something more interesting, unlike adults who complete their tasks. A child’s ability to develop self-regulation skills determines his/her ability to create successful social interactions as self-regulated learners demonstrate a higher sense of self-efficacy. These children are more likely to be school ready, have the greater sense of well-being and encounter greater academic achievement even beyond the childhood years.

Noida Expressway School has a panacea. Low concentration and attention levels are a common problem among millions of children. Few tips can help children get better focused and develop concentration skills at an early age for long-term success.

  1. Children learn more by playing, so it is a good idea to have fun activities and allow children to play and do concentration exercises.
  2. Few children respond well to an environment that is soothing and peaceful but other children may thrive in an environment that has a lot of hustle and bustle.
  3. A good environment is the first step to increase concentration level in children.
  4. A direct link to good concentration for children is eating healthy food. Junk food and foods rich in sugar makes a child sluggish, while foods rich in protein like almonds, beans, eggs etc. raise awareness and increase concentration levels.
  5. It is important to maintain a schedule for children even if it is a flexible one.
  6. It helps in time management and helps program the child’s brain.
  7. A power nap for 20minutes after school or in the afternoon helps increase concentration.
  8. It is important to understand the method of learning i.e., visual, drawing, doodling, reading aloud, auditory etc. for the children.
  9. It is good to set a time limit for completion of a goal for better concentration.
  10. It is always good to praise or reward the children after completion of their tasks for motivation and encouragement.
  11. As kids are energetic and exuberant, giving them time to vent out their energies can help them focus better.
  12. Simple relaxation and concentration techniques help the brain to improve and learn new skills.
  13. The repetitive routine goes a long way for i.e., choose the time of a day to finish home task then keep up the effort to stick to the routine.
  14. Ensure no gadgets or technology distractions are there.
  15. No reading should be done on the bed.
  16. Create atmosphere by filtering in natural sunlight.
  17. No studying or coloring while eating.
  18. The consistency of teaching-learning during weekdays.
  19. Give achievable tasks with a time limit.
  20. Praises act as rewards for the children after completing their tasks.
  21. Socializing with neighbors and friends everyday benefits the children.
  22. Learning/reading should be done at regular intervals with equal breaks.
  23. Over scheduling should be avoided.
  24. Children should be given attention to get attention.
  25. Interactive games play an important role.
  26. Use different modes of learning every day with children as it helps them to think differently.

School in Noida opines that focus and concentration are the most important skills to achieve success in life. Every child is a mirror image of his/her parents. Helping children with these techniques can help raise sharper and intelligent individuals. Concentration skills just don’t happen – they should be developed and matured.  Being able to concentrate and focus for sustained periods is a skill that children will need to develop in order to make most of their education.

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