Ayurvedic Treatment At Its Best From The House Of Kudrati Ayurved

Posted by Kudrati Ayurved
Jul 1, 2019

Although people around the world are having food that is rich in Vitamin D, some even consume allopathic medicines to keep up, still, about 65% of the people around the world have a low level of vitamin in their body. The major reason for this is less exposure to the sun. The sun may look all hot and burning but it has one of the most essential elements that humans need to survive. That is UVB (Ultra-Violet B light). When this light enters the skin, it gets converted to vitamin D, which is a vital nutrient that our body needs.

At Kudrati Ayurved, you can get the best medicine for vitamin D deficiency, and regain the required levels of vitamin in your body if you are lacking it. Due to such deficiencies, a lot of other problems start to arise in the body. The first and foremost is the decrease in immunity. The capability of the white blood to fight any virus or disease reduces when the number of white blood cells reduces, and this happens due to low levels of vitamin D. Other diseases such as Parkinson also appear in the body at a later age, when we cross 50 or beyond. This disease causes trembling of the fingers, arms as well as legs. There are a lot of ayurvedic cures for Parkinso, but the best is the one that is followed by the cure of vata. It has been observed that this disease majorly occurs in people living in urban areas. Due to the stressed life that they live, they don’t have a healthy diet and moreover the mind is exhausted almost all the time. Parkinson treatment in India is offered at Kudrati Ayurved where we combine natural ingredients as well as effective massages by professionals to remove the disease from its very origin. Although the procedure is slower than the one in allelopathy, there are no harmful effects of the medicines as well as the exercises. Modern medicines still don’t have a cure for genetically borne issues such as muscular dystrophy; but at Kudrati Ayurved, you can get an overall satisfactory treatment for muscular dystrophy in Ayurveda. If there is a disease, then there surely is a cure. This is the approach that is followed at Kudrati Ayurved. All one needs to have is time and patience to continue with the medicines and the Yoga exercises recommended by the ayurvedic doctors and any disease can be treated. 

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