Avoid Wrong Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy - Get The Right Advice Now

Posted by Kumar Raj
Feb 23, 2023

It is common knowledge that a pregnant woman needs to be extra careful about her health and her baby’s. She needs to take care of what she eats, how she sleeps and so on. This is because, during pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes and the baby is also growing inside her. So, it is important to know the right and wrong sleeping positions during pregnancy, to avoid any potential complications.

Most people would think that as long as a pregnant woman is comfortable while sleeping, then it should be fine. However, that is not always the case. Depending on the position that a pregnant woman sleeps in, it could either help or hurt her pregnancy. 

For example, sleeping on your back for an extended period put a lot of pressure on your spine, which can lead to backaches. It can also cause indigestion and heartburn because when you sleep on your back, your stomach tends to push up against your oesophagus. 

On the other hand, sleeping on your stomach can put unnecessary strain on your back and neck. It can also make it difficult for you to breathe properly because your stomach will be pressing against your lungs. 

In this article, we will discuss the wrong sleeping positions during pregnancy and provide some tips on how to get comfortable while pregnant.

Wrong Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

What are the right and wrong sleeping positions during pregnancy? Let’s take a look at some of them:

Sleeping On Your Back 

During pregnancy, it's best to avoid sleeping on your back. This position can cause the gravid uterus to compress the inferior vena cava (IVC), which can lead to decreased cardiac output and blood pressure and can cause dizziness, shortness of breath, and nausea. 

Additionally, sleeping on your back can also cause lower back pain, because the extra weight of the gravid uterus puts pressure on the lumbar spine.

To avoid these potential problems, sleep on your left side during pregnancy. If you have trouble sleeping on your side, prop yourself up with pillows or invest in a body pillow specifically designed for pregnant women.

Sleeping On Your Stomach 

Sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy can be dangerous for both you and your baby. Stomach sleeping can compress your stomach, which can lead to discomfort or even pain. It can also limit your ability to breathe deeply and fully, which can cause respiratory problems. 

Additionally, sleeping on your stomach can put pressure on your back and spine, which can cause back pain or other problems. Also, it can make it difficult to get up and down from bed, which can be dangerous during pregnancy. 

If you must sleep on your stomach during pregnancy, use a pillow to prop up your head and shoulders to avoid putting too much pressure on your stomach.

Tips For Getting Comfortable While Pregnant

Here are some tips to get comfortable while pregnant and improve your sleep:

  • Invest In A Good Pregnancy Pillow: 

A pregnancy pillow can help support your belly and back, which can reduce pain and improve your sleep. Sleep with a pillow under your knees if you are going to sleep on your back. This will help relieve some of the pressure off of your spine.

If you are going to sleep on your side, put a pillow between your legs so that there is less strain on your hips. Try using a body pillow or another type of support pillow so that you are not lying flat down on your stomach or side. If you need additional pillows for support or comfort, don’t hesitate to use them.

  • Wear Comfortable Clothing To Bed: 

Wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothing to bed can help you sleep more comfortably during pregnancy. Many pregnant women cannot resist the temptation to wear regular clothes to bed because they are so comfortable. 

However, it is much better to wear pyjamas that are specifically made for pregnancy. These items provide proper support for your body and will keep you comfortable while you sleep. Make sure you invest in maternity clothing as soon as possible. You will be much more wearable clothing that is comfortable in your clothing.

  • Sleep On Your Left Side: 

Sleeping on your left side can take the pressure off of your IVC and allow for better circulation. Additionally, it helps relieve some of the back pain you may be experiencing. Sleeping on your left side can also help improve digestion and reduce acid reflux. It may even reduce snoring.

  • Elevate Your Head And Legs While You Sleep: 

Elevating your head and legs while you sleep can help reduce swelling and improve circulation. This is because it helps to promote better drainage of fluid away from the legs and feet, which reduces the risk of pooling in those areas. It also helps to reduce pressure on the veins in the lower body and can help improve blood flow.

  • Use A Fan Or Humidifier In Your Room: 

Using a fan or humidifier in your room can help you sleep more comfortably by keeping the air moist. A fan can help circulate the air and reduce stuffiness, while a humidifier can add moisture to the air and make it easier to breathe. Both of these devices can help you maintain a comfortable temperature in your bedroom and improve your overall sleep quality.


It is important to know the right and wrong sleeping positions during pregnancy in order to avoid any potential complications. Sleeping on your back during pregnancy can lead to decreased cardiac output and blood pressure, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, and lower back pain. Instead, sleep on your left side to take the pressure off of your IVC and allow for better circulation. 

You can also make sure you're comfortable by investing in a supportive mattress and pillows, eating small meals throughout the day, and avoiding lying flat on your back for lonperiodsme. 

The tips for getting comfortable while pregnant include investing in a good pregnancy pillow, wearing comfortable clothing to bed, sleeping on your left side, elevating your head and legs while you sleep, and using a fan or humidifier in your room.

The pregnancy food chart is an essential tool that every pregnant woman should use. It helps you track what you need to eat and when, as well as what to avoid during pregnancy. You can find the chart online or in stores that sell pregnancy books.

The chart will list the nutrients that are important for pregnant women, as well as the recommended daily intake for each nutrient. It's important to note that every pregnancy is different, so some women may need more or less of certain nutrients than others. The best way to know how much of each nutrient you need is to speak with your doctor or a registered dietitian.

In addition to listing the important nutrients, the dry fruits during pregnancy will also list which foods are good sources of those nutrients. This is helpful because it can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from food alone. Supplementing with vitamins and minerals may be necessary for some women.

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