Are Personal Loans Online A Good Or Bad Idea?
If an emergency strikes in and you are in urgent need for cash, any unsecured personal loan is the best option to obtain money quickly. Now you must be thinking what is the difference between secured and unsecured loan. Secured loans are supported by any kind of asset like a house or a car, which later gets possessed by the lender if you cannot repay the loan on time. On the other hand, in case of unsecured loans the lender just checks your ability to repay.
Previously you needed to go out to a bank or any other local credit union to apply for such loans. But since the availability of quick loans online, people at preferring that. Applying for loan from your home just like ordering anything online looks really tempting. But the question remains weather is it a good or a bad idea?
Advantages of Online Loans
The most important advantage has to be convenience. It is true that both offline and online lenders have the flexibility which lets you submit some parts of the loan application online like drivers license but anyway you are required to sign the documents at the physical branch. But the online lenders allow you to complete the entire process of loan online.
You might be concerned while submitting your personal information online, but what you might not know is even the offline lenders can take your personal information and upload it online. If you are indulging into loans online, choose a lender who has a good reputation. The reviews help you judge the lender. Another thing which you can do to be sure is look up for complaints filed and search for news stories with the person's name mentioned.
Sharing personal information online be it your income, or any other important documents with your lender can be very risky and should be done with caution. But anyhow it is important so that you can show your lender that you are financially responsible and can bag the loan at a good interest rate.
Another advantage could be that you can avoid the sales pitches which is the case if you go to enquire at a bank or credit union. They try to convince you into buying different financial products. Whereas the online lenders focus only on the loan.
Disadvantages of Online Loans
One of the biggest drawback is that not all online lenders can issue loan at every state. Some lenders even charge you fee for originating the loan, which can go up to 5% of the total amount borrowed. All this depends on your borrower rating. The better rating you have the lower is the fee. Also, there can be many kinds of forgery done via online.
Online lenders are a good option if you are in any kind of financial emergency. They can provide you quick loans online, without much hassle and with good offers. There are a lot of options available in the market so it is better to shop around a bit before you reach a decision. It is totally dependent on you whether you want to accept the loan terms or not.