
Applying for an Auto Accident Claim After an Accident

by APSense News Release Admin

Auto accidents can lead to devastating injuries and can also lead to considerable financial problems. If you have been involved in a car accident that you are not responsible for, you may be eligible for compensation for injuries and expenses related to the accident. 

Here are some of the types of car accidents for which you may be able to receive compensation:

  • A collision between two or more cars or other types of vehicles    
  • Accidents involving other road users such as cyclists or pedestrians   
  • Badly maintained roads
  • Defectively manufactured or installed parts
  • Common carriers and ride shares, such as taxis or Uber

You can either settle with an insurance company or file a personal injury lawsuit with the help of an experienced Philadelphia personal injury lawyer

Who will pay for the claim?

The driver responsible for the accident and its resulting injuries is responsible to compensate you for damages.  If they were covered by insurance at the time of the accident, the terms of their policy will play into the amount you can recover.  You can also sue the driver with the help of a professional auto accident attorney. 

Why should you apply for a personal injury claim?

Money cannot reverse the effects of an accident. However, money can provide important support at a critical phase of life when focus should be on healing, not arguing with insurance companies or trying to keep up with rising medical expenses. Here are some reasons why you should consider filing an automobile accident injury lawsuit: 

  1. It will help you with recovery - You will likely have rising medical expenses from doctors, hospitals, physical therapists, and other treatment providers to treat injuries sustained in the accident. Lack of money could prevent you from receiving necessary treatment of your injuries. Part of what you will be owed upon a successful claim is toward helping you to recover fully from injuries. 
  2. Financial assistance - The car accident may lead to long-term, disabling injuries, and you may have to take a break from work while you recover.  Personal injury compensation could be necessary financial support during this period. It can provide necessary financial assistance to help with leading a better life.  Financial support can also help your emotional and mental health, as you no longer have to shoulder the burden of financial distress.
  3. Speaking against the injustice - It is your right to step-up and speak against injustice perpetrated against you. If you were not responsible and the other driver caused your injuries due to negligence, they should compensate you for the damages that you suffered.  It is strongly recommended to contact a lawyer and discuss your case with them.  You should have someone by your side to advocate for you. 

What types of compensation can I get in road accidents?

A car accident claim may involve compensation for the following damages: 

  • Medical expenses - You may be entitled to compensation for medical, hospital, and other treatment expenses related to injuries caused by the accident. You may also be entitled to compensation for ongoing and future medical care. 
  • Lost income - You may also be compensated for the time you could not work because of injuries caused by the accident.  A lawsuit will include a claim to recover lost income during that time.  You may also receive additional compensation if you are no longer able to function properly because of the accident. 
  • Pain and suffering - This is a special category of damages to compensate for the physical and emotional trauma caused by the accident. 
  • Punitive damages - These are awarded in addition to compensation to recover actual expenses. Punitive damages are typically awarded at the court's discretion when behavior is egregiously harmful.  For instance, they are commonly awarded in cases where the driver of an accident was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 

When should I file a personal injury claim?

Every state has a different statute of limitations or deadline by which a personal injury claim must be filed.  After the statute of limitations expires, the court will not consider your case. Therefore, it is important to consult a personal injury lawyer as soon after the accident as possible. A lawyer will help you understand the legal process and will represent you at various stages of the process. They will fight on your behalf to get you proper compensation for your injuries as soon as possible.

The legal process is complicated to understand. 

The help of a knowledgeable car accident lawyer could be crucial to the success of your claim.  A lawyer will deal with pesky insurance agents and represent you in court if settlement agreements are not successful.  An experienced lawyer will help you to identify the strengths of your case and navigate your case through the complex and time-sensitive legal process.  Contact a lawyer today to receive the compensation you deserve.

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Created on Feb 25th 2021 03:56. Viewed 578 times.


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