Advantages of oil testing laboratory

Posted by JJ Tamez
Aug 6, 2020

Routine oil testing via professional oil testing laboratory like JJTAMEZ is an effective way of measure the condition of a lubricant and determining optimum change intervals to get the most life out of the oil in use and also it provides maximum continuous protection of equipment.

Oil testing can enhance your bottom line

Oil testing laboratory offers lots of benefits. Through regular testing of lubricants, that is:

Regular oil testing enhance your equipment life and reliability by ensuring proper lubrication and detecting issues such as excessive wear and contamination

It will extend your lubricant life by monitoring its condition and, when deemed necessary, treating or cleaning it, mostly it allows for longer intervals between fluid changes

Oil testing Reduce the equipment downtime by spotting and correcting potential lubrication problems before they will show critical issues

Seven keys to effective oil testing

Here we have mentioned 7 simple steps to help you maximize the benefits of oil testing:

  • It will help you to identify the equipment critical to your operational productivity. At the open minimum, the lubricants in those components should be analyzed regularly. (Ideally, all lubricants you use for your facility they should be tested regularly.)

  • You need to register the equipment with your oil testing laboratory. This will help the lab to choose the appropriate tests for your specific application.

  • Keep in mind use proper sampling procedures. Improper sampling may show the error in test results. Problems could be missed without any solution, it will show other costly problems later. Or the situation may be misdiagnosed, resulting in incorrect, unnecessary, and money-wasting actions being taken to correct a nonexistent issue.

  • An oil testing laboratory will provide you complete and accurate information with each sample you submit to the lab. If you miss or provide inaccurate information that may lead to a misdiagnosis. To complete all the fields on the submission form and also include the name of specific lubricant which is used, the component it services, the hours the oil has been in use, and more. Make sure that the information is legible to help avoid misinterpretation.

  • Submit samples immediately to the lab. However, delay inherently has virtually no effect on the sample but it does increase the potential for contamination. Also, the oil condition which is used in the equipment will continuously change over time. The more time that passes between when the sample is taken and when it is analyzed, the less alike the sample will be to the fluid still flowing in the machine. Therefore, the results of the testing will be less relevant.

  • As a professional in the oil testing lab, this is your responsibility to review and respond to test results appropriately. Immediately review the analysis documentation to determine what, if any, action is necessary.

  • Use oil testing regularly, not only when you doubt a problem. As a part of a preventive maintenance program, regular oil analysis is a baseline for monitoring the condition of the lubricants which you used and the components that are used. Time to time medical screenings and the regular collection of analysis data over time will help you to identify trends and spot potential complications in early stages, so that they can be corrected in the beginning and not become big problems.

So if you are looking for an oil testing laboratory after reading this blog. You can contact us at any time we are here to assist you.

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