Acupuncture For Pet- Effective Alternative Treatment

fast-turning scenario has come up with innumerable big and small changes in
almost every single thing. Even the lives of the people have not been spared
due to this, and experience an all new change every single day.
the changes in lifestyles of people, their body conditions too have had a
mighty difference, due to which the human body has become a home to numerous
disorders. Though the concept of diseases and disorders is not new, but today,
the concept of treatment of these disorders could be in various methods.
the body troubles which got a herbal treatment, slowly moved towards the
allopathic remedies. The things again took a turnaround when homeopathy and
other alternative treatments too birth for humans.
these alternative treatments could even be used for the animals, and the pets
that we possess could get benefitted with them in any unforeseen circumstances.
the alternative treatments, acupuncture is one of the most widely used
treatment technique that is growing in fame with the passage of time. Though
acupuncture is not new to the mankind, this technique has recently gained much
of popularity.
What is acupuncture?
is a mode of body treatment that was discovered in China nearly 4500 years
back. The ancient Chinese were able to perform this after much of practice but
today, there are specific courses and programs through which this treatment
technique could be learnt.
mostly involves the usage of needles, which are inserted at some specific parts
of body where nerve bundles and blood vessels tend to intersect with each
other. These points are said to be the energy channels of the body and
placement of needles in these chances would lead to enhance in blood
could also help in release in certain hormones in the body and thereby, help to
prevent hormonal imbalance.
Other Forms Of Acupuncture:
the usage of needles to stimulate the body fluids, acupuncture could also
involve treatment using some other methods and forms such as:
Acupressure: The process involves putting
pressure to specific points of the body manually or by machines to treat
conditions where use of needles is not possible in the body of pets.
Aquapuncture: Just as the name suggests,
it involves inserting certain kinds of liquids inside the body of pets so that
it could act as an energizer and eliminate disorders in the body. The liquids
which could be inserted are homeopathics, diluted Vitamin B12 and other
required liquids.
Moxibustion: Moxibustion is the process of applying heated herbal
compounds to the needles used. Due to heating, the needles which are used would
be highly effective, especially for pets that are aged and have muscle soreness
or joint stiffness.
Electrostimulation (Estim): The process involves a passage of electric
current in the needles that are inserted as a part of acupuncture. Due to this,
the spasming muscles would be offered a relief and nerve impulses would be
re-established in the nerves, which have been subjected to damages.
Laser: Lasers are one of the new techniques of performing acupuncture
that could be done even without the help of the needles. Laser acupunctures, as
many of you would doubt, are of very low capacity and do not burn the skin and
hair of your pet. Instead, they could serve as a good alternative acupuncture
technique for those pets, which resist the usage of needles.
Benefits Of The Acupuncture Technique:
technique could be used in various conditions for the pets such as:
can help effectively eliminating the pain out of the body of pets. Some other
strong medical treatments may also be paired with acupuncture so that the
intensity of pain which these accompany could be reduced to a certain extent.
and muscular troubles, arthritis, hip dysplasia and nerve injuries could
efficiently be treated with the help of acupuncture. Even the body injuries
that are subjected due to accidents could be offered relief with the help of
Many kinds
of skin troubles such as dermatitis, hot spots and infections could accept well
the acupuncture treatment and these heal effectively due to better circulation
of blood in the blood vessels.
could also help in eliminating many digestive tract troubles such as diarrhea
and vomiting, which could be swiped out due to increase in blood circulation.
It could also trigger the release of digestive hormones to facilitate digestion
The anti-inflammatory
and immune-calming properties from acupuncture may help in eliminating
respiratory troubles such as asthma and bronchitis etc.
Side Effects Of Acupuncture Technique:
Acupuncture is a
technique that practically accompanies no pain when it is performed. Rather,
the pets have been found to be highly relaxed and some even sleep while taking
the treatment.
Some other pets
may experience slight tingling or numbness in their body while the treatment
with acupuncture is going on, and could show their discomfort due to this. But
evolution of newer technologies, especially the acupuncture with laser has
completely eliminated the pains out of this.
Unlike some other
medical treatments, acupuncture does not have visible side-effects on the body
of pets, if this is carried out in assistance of a veteran acupuncture vet.
Thus, acupuncture
could said to be one of the safe techniques to cure many influencing disorders
in the body of pets, without rendering any typical side-effects. These could
also be used as pet grooming tips
to provide an overall health and vitality to your beloved pet.