Acupuncture Therapy is Effective Treatment for Neck Pain
The ‘Acupuncture’ word comes from Latin words ‘acu’ which
means ‘with a needle’ and ‘puncture’ means inserting. It demands a collection
of procedures and techniques in which specific points in the body are
stimulated by penetrating needles into the body or applying finger pressure.
Originating from China, acupuncture therapy is now used in many countries as a
constructive means for treating different ailments. It is a traditional Chinese
technique to correct certain imbalances in the run of qi (natural energy and
strength) with the help of passages known as meridians. An acupuncturist for neck
pain can help you treat the complex condition and other serious medical
Types of Acupuncture
Techniques -
Technique – Needles are inserted to relieve back pain either
manually or electronically into the skin or the tissue.
Technique – This includes the stimulation of identified affected points by
suction or finger pressure. It also involves moxibustion in which heat is
applied to points by heated pieces of dried mugwort plant. The plant is also
used in treating digestive disorders. An acupuncturist for neck pain may use
laser and electric current delivered through surface electrodes to stimulate
painful joints and muscles.
Acupuncture Therapy:
An Effective Pain Treatment
It is often effective in removing various types
of chronic pains including neck pain, back pain, shoulder and knee pain.
Particular points in the body are first diagnosed and then needles are inserted
to stimulate those points offering steady relief.
It is often considered as an
alternative/preventive treatment. Seeing a qualified acupuncturist two or three
times a year can prevent various diseases and promote health, vitality, and
strength. It is also proven to relieve back pain.
It has been utilized to decrease anxiety in
patients taking medicines and injections. It can also improve the results of
medicine and reduces side effects such as nausea and lowered libido.
Following a surgical operation, doctors may also
suggest acupuncture for treating nausea and vomiting.
It is often employed for frequent headaches and
migraines. It can provide relief from mild to moderate headaches.
There are many clinics, therapy facilities, and
rehabilitation centers you can find on the internet to get more information
specific acupuncture procedures for your individual problems. It utilizes
different conventional and alternative techniques to cure acute or chronic
pain. You may consult with a reputed acupuncturist for neck pain who offers
various treatment services. The services
may include physical therapy, exercises, massage, chiropractic care, acupuncture
therapies, and treatment for neurological disorders. It offers personalized
treatments to the patients based on their needs.