6 Low Maintenance best plants for indoor Garden

Posted by GreeniumIndia India
Oct 6, 2021

Are you one of those who have no more time to care for indoor plants, or you are a black thumb in gardening, or you have no experience with indoor plants? Just wait a minute! You do not need to worry about caring much for AIR PURIFYING PLANTS. If you want to save your time and want some indoor plants to decorate your home, you are at the right place. These are some best plants that are low maintenance.

Snake plant

Snake plants are very popular among the best low maintenance indoor plants. Snake plant is available in yellow & green combination and dark green & silver combination. You will love its beautiful colours, there are so many benefits of the snake plant, and it can thrive in any condition, even in a dark area. 

It requires little water twice a month. Purify the air of your indoor space and can tolerate any humidity condition. Snake plants will keep away bugs and insects from your home because it is highly resistant to pests.

You will have to be a bit cautious because its leaves are toxic and can be harmful to pets and human beings, so keep your children and pets away from the snake plant.

Spider plant

Spider plants can thrive in many environmental conditions because they are extremely adaptable. It is a low maintenance indoor plant. If you are not a Green thumb, it is suitable for you because it is impossible to kill. Spider plants can survive with a lot of negligence. This plant can thrive in moderate to low light conditions. 

Spider plants not only purify the air of surrounding space but are non-toxic that is why it is safe for children and pets. Allow the spider plants to dry out between watering. Spider plants produce many spiderettes, and you can use them for propagating. Water it twice a month.

Ponytail palm

This plant is considered the best low maintenance indoor plant because it can survive more than 15 years in the hardest conditions. You can move it in different light conditions with little care, but it will show no sign of distress. The hardiness of this plant can impress anyone. Besides Air-purifying quality, it is used for decoration and aesthetic purposes.

This plant is succulent and needs little water. It is impossible to kill until you throw it away from your home. It does not require high humidity and can thrive in bright indirect sunlight. Ponytail palm is a non-toxic plant.

ZZ plant

The ZZ PLANT is considered the best plant for indoors as it can survive in many changing circumstances. It can thrive in dark areas and requires little watering then also it likes a lot of bright light. This plant is mildly toxic.

Water it every two weeks, although it can go longer without water because it stores water in its stems. This plant can survive in extremely low light conditions.

Baby rubber plants

Baby rubber plants have deep green leaves, which makes them more attractive. It is very easy to care for and requires low maintenance; it is a favourite among the low maintenance indoor plants. Place it in a south-facing window to get bright in direct sunlight without any sun exposure. 

Bright indirect sunlight is suitable for rubber plants, and it can tolerate medium light. Water it once a week. This plant grows on other plants' branches and is called epiphytes. The non-toxic nature of this plant makes it safe for your children and pets.

English IVY

English Ivy is considered one of the universal best plants for indoors. This is not only a low maintenance plant but also can tolerate low light, and this is also a good choice for hangers. It can grow well in moderately low light conditions, but medium life is the best for English IVY plants. In higher light levels, it will produce variegated leaves. 

Check the top 1 inch of the soil with your finger. Simply insert your finger if it is dry and then water it. Don't allow the soil to dry out completely. The growth of English IVY is not out of control. Its leaves and berries are slightly poisonous to human beings and pets. You can make interesting wall designs with its long trailing branches.

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