6 Costly Tax Filing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Posted by Lolita Di
May 7, 2021

Getting ready for the tax season is a challenge we can never be fully prepared for. From delayed W-2 forms, unaccounted utility bills to unbalanced books, all this can throw you in a haze of tax confusion. For this reason, we have listed common tax-related mistakes you should be on the lookout for when filing your returns in the forthcoming tax season.

1.   Incorrect personal data

You should ensure that you provide correct details for your family members on the tax forms. This includes names, ages, and social security numbers. Additionally, you should select the right social status for each. Look out for related categories such as single and widowhood which have different benefits. Remember, widowed house heads get favorable tax terms than singles, while married couples pay more taxes if they jointly file their return.

2.   Providing incorrect financial data

The financial data you receive from the W-2, 1099, or K-1 have to be entered as they are on your tax records. This data could be bank interests, salaries, or investment dividends. Remember, the tax system is automated, and your data has to match the information provided by your bank or employer. Providing wrong information may lead to tax disputes that could deny you essential tax benefits and refunds. If you don’t understand how to file your financial data, seeking help from a qualified accountant NYC can be a good idea.

3.   Not targeting maximum refund

Every April, qualifying Americans get a tax refund, and the amount varies depending on your tax records. The refund is an accumulation of money you earned throughout the year, and you’ll want to claim it all. Unfortunately, if you don’t make the correct number of tax exemption claims on your W-4, you may end up receiving less money, or no refund at all.

4.   Missing the deadline

With the e-tax system, you may be tempted to procrastinate your tax filing responsibilities until the last minute. It’s unwise to wait for the deadline day, as unforeseen challenges such as system delays and personal commitments can arise at any time. Note down essential deadlines on your tax calendar and file before the deadline arrives.

5.   Not knowing your deductions

Are you familiar with the credits and tax deductions available to you? H&R Block reports that at least one in every five citizens misses out on write-offs above $460 due to ignorance. According to them, many people often miss the following vital deductions:

      School classroom supplies

      Medical expenses

      Property damage by Federally declared disasters

      Higher education credits

      Child and dependent credits.

      Earned income credits

It’s wise to regularly update your write-offs and acquaint yourself with all deductions and credits available to you.

6.   Mailing your returns

There is no crime in filing your returns the old-school way. However, mailing your return potentially exposes you to numerous mistakes. Dealing with hard copy paperwork increases the chances of typos that could have been spotted on an electronic system. Additionally, the e-filing system automatically generates deductions and credits on your tax category, something you don’t get on manual systems.


Filing taxes is cumbersome, and minor errors can lead to massive tax conflicts, missed deductions, and refunds. You may want to consult with a tax expert if you feel overwhelmed by the entire process.

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