5 Ways to Avoid Losing Your Teeth in Old Age

Posted by Leona Zoey
Mar 13, 2018

Do you want to live into your 70s and 80s with your own teeth? Yes, of course but normally it doesn’t happen and people tend to lose their teeth during 60s and 70s. There had been a common perception that after 70s people are bound to survive with dentures but these days this doesn’t have to be the case and with adequate knowledge and proper care you can enjoy healthy teeth even at the age of 70s and 80s. All you need to do is take extra care of your teeth and overall health to keep every part of your body fit and fine. With this article we came up with some important tips that an individual can adapt to avoid losing their teeth in old age.

Brush and floss daily- Brushing and flushing is a good habit which helps keeping your teeth healthy and fit. If not twice it is important to brush your teeth once with a toothbrush having erect bristles. At the same time it is important for individuals to avoid brushing teeth vigorously as it can damage the enamel of the teeth leading to the creation of cavities. In fact the foods that we eat are easily caught between our teeth creating plaques which can further lead to formation of cavities; this should be done on a regular basis and if followed helps you keep your teeth healthy and strong.

Avoid sugar- sugar is one of the components that are liked by every individual but it has no nutritional value and its importance lies next to tobacco. Sugar encourages the formation of plaque in the body laying the foundation of cavity formation in teeth cavity. If you need to keep your teeth healthy, avoid eating sugary foods as much as possible.

Don’t use tobacco products- tobacco is injurious to health and it should be avoided out-rightly as it change the pH of the body deteriorating the normal body organs. According to reports those who smoke are nearly two times as likely to lose their teeth later in life and hence it is important to stop using tobacco products with no delay.

Take care of your overall health- The overall health condition of a body determines the way your teeth will perform. If you have high blood pressure and diabetes you are more likely to lose your teeth. Thus, it is important for individuals to take precautionary measures if they are suffering from these diseases. A healthy body enjoys healthy teeth and thus you need to take care of your health.

Consult a maxillofacial surgeon/dentist regularly- Consulting an experienced dentist or maxillofacial surgeon like Haithem Elhadi could be of immense use as these surgeons can spot various damages that your teeth may suffer in near future.

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