5 Simple Steps to Effectively Clean a Jute Rug

Posted by Paul Bennett
Mar 4, 2022

Jute is a natural fibre of the jute plant, which is used to make environmentally friendly, soft area rugs. The fibre is very sturdy and is available in a wide range of brown and tan colours and can either be left dyed or unaltered to any colour shade and pattern. Even the material is easy to maintain, removing stains from jute rugs is hard because of the high tendency of the fibre to absorb moisture quickly. If you want to preserve the look of your rugs, it’s very important for you to know the effective steps of cleaning a jute rug. For the best possible results, it’s always recommended to hire professional rug cleaning services in Brisbane. You can use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dirt & debris from your jute rug. Using baking soda is another option that works like magic and also collects bad odours. Regular cleaning of your jute rug is important if you want to preserve its looks. You need to clean your rug without causing discolouration. Scroll down and take a look at the 5 simple steps to effectively clean a jute rug.

  • Vacuuming

Vacuuming your jute rug on a regular basis is the most crucial thing you can do to keep its look. To remove loose dirt and debris, use a vacuum with strong suction. Vacuuming on a regular basis will prolong the life of your jute rug by eliminating dirt and debris build-up, which can be hard to extract.

  • Cleaning Up Spills

When you spill something on your rug, make sure to get it out immediately. Not eliminating spills immediately will lead to the rug holding on the stain odour. If you have a solid stain, you'll need a dull bread knife or a nail file to scrape it off. Remove as much as possible with the knife, then wipe the spill with a clean paper towel. For the best possible results, it’s best to hire professionals offering deep rug cleaning services in Brisbane.

  • Using Baking Soda

When jute is wet, it turns brown. It produces oils, which cause the fibres to appear darker. Using a "waterless" method could be the way to go in the future. Baking soda can be used for rug stain removal in Brisbane to eliminate all types of stains and foul odours. Baking soda also helps in the removal of moisture.

  • Remove Loose Fibres

Over time, jute fibres would become loose. You can simply cut loose strands off if you notice them. This also helps to prevent more strands from unravelling; simply cut the fibres near to the unravelling area with a pair of scissors, and be careful not to snip any other fibres.

  • Dry Cleaning

You can also clean your jute rug with a dry carpet cleaner, which you can find online or at any hardware store. There is a range of dry carpet cleaners present, but the one that works best for a jute rug must be selected.

Hope, you came to know the 5 simple steps to effectively clean a jute rug. If you find the content of this article helpful, don't forget to share it with your friends, and get back to us for more exciting content!

Author’s Bio - The author owns a company that provides rug stain removal services in Brisbane, and is an avid blogger.

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