5 Reasons Not to Sell Onyx Jewellery

If you’re having a clear out of your jewellery box and are thinking of selling the pieces you no longer wear, be savvy about what you sell. There are certain gemstones that you should consider hanging onto. Onyx, in particular, is an example. Why, you ask? What is it ​about ​ onyx stones​that makes it a keeper? For starters, here are 5 reasons not to sell onyx jewellery.
1. Onyx Will Never Go Out of Fashion
Consider your onyx the skinny jeans or black t-shirt of your jewellery collection. In the way that these are sartorial staples that we all like to keep in the closet, onyx could be considered an accessories essential. Black onyx in particular is on a trend carousel, forever rotating and circling back into fashion. Onyx can be revisited time and time again, thanks to its timeless appeal. You can always rely on a black onyx necklace to both lift a casual look and add a simple finish to a dressier outfit.
2. Revamp Your Onyx
If you have a piece of onyx jewellery that’s no longer to your taste, then you could have the stone reset to create a customised item. Take the onyx from a costume jewellery necklace that realistically you’ll never have use for again. Ask an expert jeweller to reset it to make your own, custom black onyx bracelet. That way you’ve preserved the beautiful stone but added a whole new piece of jewellery to your collection!
3. Or, Repurpose It
One thing to note about onyx stones; this is a spiritual gem, valued for its defensive qualities. Consider hanging onto your stone and keeping it as a charm in your house. An onyx necklace with a jewel could be hung over your dressing mirror, transformed into a dream catcher or used as a home ware accessory. Its protective powers will keep you and your loved ones safe and revoke any negative energy in your home.
4. Keep It in The Family
Everyone loves an heirloom! You might be weary of your onyx jewellery, but someone else in your family may well relish the prospect of receiving it as a gift. Why not pass it down your jewellery to a niece, daughter, or cousin as a sentimental present? A black onyx ring might even make for an eternity or engagement ring in the future for someone further down the line! This way, your memories can be preserved and continued by those close to you.
5. You Might Not Get the Best Price
The jewellery resale market is volatile, and prices can fluctuate drastically. At the time of writing, onyx is not high in demand which means prices are low. Plus, although onyx is a precious jewel, it is not the most expensive rock on the scene. If you do decide to resell your onyx jewellery, monitor the value and try to pounce when rates are more favourable.