5 Major Features of Cloud Computing Services

Posted by Sree Swaminathan
Nov 5, 2021

Cloud computing technology is becoming immensely popular these days because of its capability to store and secure data online. In addition, since this technology works on the internet, business doesn’t require hefty equipment installation and can efficiently manage work operations with minimal service provider interaction and management effort.  

In other words, cloud computing provides an effective solution to manage day-to-day business operations over the internet instead of physical equipment. However, to understand how cloud computing services provider empower a business, it is essential to dig deeper and understand cloud services basic features.  

Features of Cloud Computing Services  

These five key features of cloud computing services shown below describe why this technology is the most buzzing and in-demand for businesses.  

1) Great availability of Information  

The technology serves the purpose of storing valuable information and preventing it from the reach of outside intruders. Cloud technology users can simply access the service from their personal device without being tied to an office desk. In addition, it offers several physical and virtual resources that can be customise based on customer’s demands.   

2) Wide Network Access  

Cloud computing technology can be accessed from anywhere since it operates on the internet. Therefore, the users can attain the desired information by logging into the server from their desktop or mobile devices like laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.  

3) Easy Maintenance   

The servers don’t require a dedicated staff to manage in cloud technology because the downtime is very low.  The cloud computing system auto-updates every time so that it can perform better than earlier. The cloud computing services offer an update that is more compatible with the devices and help fasten the system.   

4) Economical  

Choosing cloud technology eliminates significant storage needs and maintains hardware in organizations. Companies can purchase cloud-based tools and services on a pay-as-you-go subscription model. It also saves employees travel money and time so that they can work efficiently from their homes. Furthermore, it also eliminates business overhead costs as it provides flexibility to employees to work from anywhere.  

5) Security  

It is one of the best features of cloud computing. Cloud technology creates a backup of the information to safeguard it even if the server gets damaged. Also, unauthorized users cannot access the stored data in the cloud since its login procedures are robust. In addition, the cloud storage services are fast and secure, and the data can be retrieved at any time easily using an internet connection.  


Cloud technology is one of the most demanded services in modern organisation.  The cloud computing providers offermeasurable costs, controlled risks and timely software upgradation that help businesses to become competitive in corporate world. 

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