5 Healthy Eating Tips

Posted by Susan B.
Nov 12, 2013

An important part of maintaining good health is a well- balanced diet. The key to a healthy diet is sticking to the correct number of calories. The average male needs approximately 2,500 calories a day; while a female needs 2,000 calories. You need to eat a variety of food types to ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it requires.

Here are 5 healthy eating tips to help you maintain a well-balanced diet:

1.     Don’t skip breakfast

Research shows that eating breakfast can help people with controlling their weight. A healthy breakfast can provide you with the vitamins and minerals you need, making it a great start to the day. Low-sugar cereal and fruit is a great example of a healthy breakfast, not an all-day breakfast bap!

2.     Eat lots of fruit and veg

Everyone knows we are supposed to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Fruit with your breakfast and vegetables with your dinner helps. Having dried fruit (avoid ones with refined sugar or extra sweeteners) as an afternoon snack counts towards your portions, and is much better than a chocolate bar, or two!

3.     Eat more fish

Protein is a very important part of a healthy diet. Fish is a good source of protein, especially oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel. Choose fresh or frozen fish over tinned fish where possible, as tinned fish tends to include a lot of salt.

4.     Cut down on sugar

Try to cut back on fizzy drinks, biscuits and cakes as they all full of added sugar. Natural sugars, on the other hand are good for you such as fruit and milk. Sugary foods and drinks are a main contributor to weight gain and tooth decay. Be sure to check food labels for their sugar content.

5.     Drink plenty

No, we don’t mean wine… you need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Women should drink 1.6 litres a day and men need at least 2 litres a day. Water is definitely the healthiest drink and satisfies your thirst, it contains no sugars or calories.

Eating healthily is just part of healthy living, regular exercise is just as important though. If you are passionate about health and fitness then a career within the industry might be ideal for you. Premier Training offers personal training courses to help you develop your career. For more information about the fitness qualifications on offer at Premier Training, visit their website at: http://www.premierglobal.co.uk/

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