5 Fun Learning Games and Activities For Children

Posted by Delan Cooper
Mar 30, 2016

Having children playing around is exciting to watch, but bringing them together to play structured games can be very rewarding. Whether you're a daycare provider, pre-school teacher, or an elementary school teacher, these five fun educational games will help the children have fun and learn together. Playtime can be fun for children while also being very educational. Use these learning games to keep them active and learning at the same time.

Leap Frog Races

Leap frog races are perfect for children of any age because they are fun and encourage building friendships. The game involves having multiple teams to be made of two people each, and then the goal is to have all teams race by leapfrogging over each other. Each team will have one person bend down, and then their partner will leapfrog over them and not take any additional steps. Their partner will then jump over them. This will continue until a team reaches the finish line.

Dodgeball Math Questions

Have several children stand in a circle while other children are surrounding them in a circle. Grab a ball and have the children play dodgeball where the goal is to hit the kids inside of the circle. This game is aimed more towards older children. The key is to hit a kid below the face to avoid hurting the kids. If a child gets hit, they need to answer a math question. If they answer it within five seconds, they stay in the circle. If they don't, they're out of the game.

Marco Polo With Added Mathematical Questions

Have a kid get blindfolded while the rest of them stand away from him or her. The goal is that they are only allowed to say "Marco Polo" five times, but in order to say it again they need to answer a quick math question. They have the option to save up their "Marco Polos" by answering multiple questions one by one. This game should be played in a big field or open playground to avoid kids running over different things.

Scavenger Hunt

Creating a scavenger hunt can be very exciting. For example, you can have the children play as a group. They have to find the first clue and solve the riddle. It could be something very basic that they would understand. They should be led to the first location of the playground with a riddle to solve, and the answer should be another location on another part of the playground. Another version of these are egg hunts where there are pieces of clues inside of each plastic egg.

Traditional Games

When you run out of ideas, you can always go back to the simple, yet classic games. Whether it is in the garden or in your living room, games like high-rise condo or dominoes are great choices to keep your children's mind mentally occupied. There are many benefits of playing these classic games. When you play games like dominoes, rules have to be discussed and agreed between before and during the game. Of course, this will help you children develop their speaking, listening, and thinking skills.

These are all games that are very worth trying out if you want to keep the children entertained but also learning. You want them to learn about the basics involving teamwork, fast thinking, and developing skills they'll be using in school. All of these ideas should get their brains and minds moving while also helping them have fun.

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