5 Cybersecurity Goals for Your Business in 2021
Do you know, according to research, in every 39 seconds, a group of hackers sitting in any corner of the world does a cyber attack? To make it a bit clear, there are 2,244 cyberattacks made by hackers every day sitting around the globe, making cybersecurity a need of the hour. Cybersecurity becomes more essential in 2021 as the COVID-19 has forced organizations to work from home, making them follow cloud working, which gradually makes organizations more Vulnerable.
These Highly Essential Goals that Every Business Needs Today
While cyberattacks are data breaches are old ways of cyberattacks, here are cybersecurity goals you should aim at for 2021;
Having Dedicated IT Team
Do you know the scariest part about cyber attacks? Most of them are usually detected after six months of the incident because businesses are generally too busy functioning to notice the attack. A solution to this could be having a dedicated IT security team working only towards the cybersecurity aspect. However, since all businesses cannot afford to have a cybersecurity team, they can go for outsourcing; that is an affordable way to keep your cybersecurity under check. IT staffing companies are a credible source for outsourcing cybersecurity. A dedicated team protecting you from cyber attacks lets your business focus entirely on its operations instead of fearing cyber attacks.
An Extra Secured Wifi Connection
Wifi is an essential factor affecting the level of your cyber security. While most businesses don't usually realize it, having weak wifi can lead to being easy victims of cyber attacks. Notably, any person with a bit of knowledge about technology can easily collect data from using your wifi. The data includes confidential information from your systems such as the files shared by you, the emails, and the records of the company, causing extreme loss of information to the organization. Having secure wifi is an essential requirement for the cybersecurity of the company. Additionally, the access of the wifi should be monitored on a regular basis, and all software should be used in their latest version, assuring maximum cybersecurity.
Raising Awareness
As the saying says, "Prevention is better than cure" one must implement it in cybersecurity too. While the young generation is quite familiar with cybersecurity, many people are aware of the importance of cybersecurity. To get rid of this, there should be an environment of awareness in the organization. Frequent workshops or even small meetings to raise cybersecurity awareness should be conducted by the organization to raise cybersecurity awareness. The team should actively participate as a mistake of one can make the whole organization suffer. Further, people should be made aware of identifying malware and phishing emails. The Teammates should be encouraged to download attachments from trusted sources only.
A Frequent Change Of Password
Passwords are your shield against all types of cyberattacks; changing a password frequently is as essential as having a strong password. One should keep changing their passwords often and avoid using the same password on every platform as it would make it easier for the hacker to access their information. Moreover, companies should also opt for Password Rotation Systems to eliminate the chances of falling victims to cyberattacks. The Passwords Rotation Systems may be costlier to startups, but their benefits are certainly ore than their costs. Further, for extra cybersecurity, one must never note their passwords at a place.
Limiting Devices Allowed To Connect To Your Wifi
As one does not know the intention of people using your Wifi, limiting the number of people who can access your Wifi can lead to an increased level of cybersecurity. The control will also help you in monitoring cyberattacks as some people unknowingly launch viruses in your system. One can also use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server, where you have to mention the IP address of every device to allow you to use your Wifi. Limiting the instruments will enable you to monitor the activities of your employees.
Conclude -
Take the initiative towards your company's Cybersecurity Services Singapore, as preventing a cyberattack is much better than resolving it.