5 Benefits of Coffee in the Workplace

Posted by Kevin Smith
Dec 21, 2017

These benefits extend into many areas of acoffee drinker's life, including performance in the workplace. More than ever,employers are looking to cash in on these benefits for their employees. 


Show your loved ones you care. Besidesbeing good for output, coffee is great for letting your employees know you arethinking about their comfort. It’s a small gesture, but polls show it will benoticed. Happy employees make happy employers.  


This is a huge one. In the workplace,coffee is reported to be a major factor in maximizing productivity. It’s easyto imagine how much more you can do when you are feeling awake and present.Also, how much more enjoyable tasks can feel when you are able to easily riseto their challenges. 

Pain Relief

Drinking coffee reduces discomfort. This isgreat in the office, where ergonomics are an important consideration.Coffee can help with sore necks and shoulders, wrists, and headaches caused byhours of screen time. It can even help employees outside of the office settingwho might stand for much of their workday. 

Customer Service

Not only is coffee good for your employees,it is good for your customers too. Placing a coffee maker in the waiting roomis a great way to help guests feel cared for, and comfortable. Plus youremployees can use it as well. Coffee makers like this can be easily stocked bycontracting a coffee delivery service in Atlanta. 


This goes hand-in-hand with productivity.Studies have shown people are more likely to make ethical decisions after a hitof caffeine. This means that corners are less likely to be cut, and employeesare likely to have more favorable interactions with customers. Not only willcoffee increase the quantity of work, but also the quality. 

Coffee isn’t just an enjoyable beverage,although that shouldn’t be overlooked; it is also a powerful tool for enhancingthe workplace experience. It’s good for employees and customers. It raisesmorale, boosts productivity, and makes everyone more comfortable. Not only doesmore work get done, it gets done to a higher standard of quality. If it soundstoo good to be true, check out coffee delivery services in Atlanta andsee for yourself.

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