4 Ways to Make Sure Your Tyres Stay in Good Shape

Posted by GT Autos
Apr 2, 2019

Tyre maintenance is a topic that is known to make car owners frown. However, once you understand the consequences of neglecting tyres in terms of vehicular performance, fuel efficiency and handling, you’ll realise that it’s not something that you can afford to ignore.

  • Tyres that are not appropriately inflated last 27% less.

  • A worn out tyre may add up to 16 metres to a car’s braking distance.

  • 1,075 casualties from tyre related accidents in Britain last year.

On that note, let’s get started with the basics of tyre maintenance.

1. Tyre Pressure

The most crucial element tso check is tyre pressure. Adequate inflation pressure is a pre-requisite for acceptable tyre performance.

If it is under-inflated, the rubber will flex, reducing the tyre’s lifespan and increasing its rolling resistance. And thus, underinflated tyres result in reduced fuel economy.

Don't think that overinflating your tyre is any better. Over-inflated tyres experience too much pressure on the central tread area which may eventually lead to a blowout.

How to know if your tyre pressure is correct or not? Check the owner’s manual and follow your manufacturer’s recommendation conscientiously. You may check your tyres’ inflation at home with the help of a pressure gauge readily available at any supermarket.

2. Tyre Balance

Tyre balancing is nothing but the even distribution of the tyre's mass across its body. With regular use, tyres fall out of balance and develop alternating heavy and light spots. Uneven inflation pressure, rash driving, and several other circumstances may hasten the process.

Avail a session of wheel balancing when you visit a garage for your car service. A balanced tyre helps in smooth driving by eliminating vibration/ jerking. It also reduces the rate of tyre wear and adds to your car’s fuel efficiency.

3. Visual Inspection

Keep an eye on the physical appearance of your tyre. Before taking your car out, glance through the body of your tyre and see if there are any cuts or if they appear somehow deformed.

Also, check the tread depth. Most of the tyres have an inbuilt tread wear indicator. If not, you can use a 20p coin to measure tread depth with a fair amount of precision. Insert the coin at various points in the tread area. If the outer band of the coin is visible, your tyres have adequate tread depth left.

Also, look for any unusual bulges or lumps, as these are signs of internal tyre problems. Just like the human body shows signs of diseases, your tyres also indicate their problems through various symptoms. Keeping an eye on them will help you to take your car to the service centre early and get them checked and changed, if necessary.

GT Autos Garages not only inspects Car Tyres Dundee but also repairs them. They sell original spare tyres and perform all sorts of automobile servicing including battery and clutch repairs. 

4. Repairs

To keep your tyres in good condition, it is mandatory to go for car servicing and repair periodically. Ideally, you should have your tyres inspected every 6 months at a professional auto garage as a matter of routine.

Maintaining your Car Tyres in Dundee will result in a much higher performance by your car. It will also help you clear your MOT promptly.

What’s there to lose anyway?

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