4 Reasons Why Content Writing Company Should Change their Content Marketing Approach
As a content writing company, you must know that content is valuable only when it is useful to the reader or consumer; and it is the consumer who gets to determine what ‘useful’ should actually look like! Experimentation is on with the form, length, style and delivery of the content; and it continues to evolve and mature every day. As a content writing company, you need to evolve too and stay in touch with the needs and wants of the readers. A more personalized form of creation and delivery is now expected from content agencies. This personalized form also ensures end reader participation. Maybe it is time to revisit some of the ideas and change the way people look into content marketing.
Adding value to your readers
Online content strategy has definitely changed over the last few years; but the focus is still how the content can add value to the readers. A good content writing company will be more strategic about the kind of content they want to publish online; it is not just about presenting the content. It is also about how the pieces of content are connecting with the right people and how it helps them to establish relationships with their readers and potential customers.
Embracing the various types of content
Many people in your target audience will have different preferences for content platform, format and approach. There is no such thing as ‘all-powerful content’. And you cannot have a specific formula which will keep on working for your audience year after year. What you need to do is embrace various styles of content and varied platforms, so that it starts becoming appealing to every person in your target community. In other words, you need to engage in videos, ebooks, slideshares and podcasting; every possible form of content to strike a chord with your potential customers. Instead of doing one thing extraordinarily well, you need to try your hand at many things.
Bringing in the element of contrast in content
A content writing company understands the value of good content; because good content never goes out of style. But one needs to look at the dynamics of good content. Along with the material, you also need to add the element of contrast in your content. There are too many people writing about the same topic and publishing the content. What can you do differently? You need to create a sense of anticipation among your readers. Your readers must look forward to what you are going to do next with your content. They will look forward to what’s coming next. And with anticipation and surprise, you will have more attention and as a result more conversion.
Bridging the gap between content creation and distribution
Content marketers understand that it is not possible to create content in isolation; you need to incorporate distribution as part of the strategy as well. Content now needs to run through each stage of the customer journey. Previously branded content was only focused on product information. It helped people who were specifically looking for details about the product. But its purpose was short-lived. Now the information of the product remains as a footnote in an engaging and wide-reaching piece and conveys more than just a piece of mundane information about a product. And when one creates content of such vast magnitude, one also needs to be careful about the way it is distributed. You just cannot rely on one channel of distribution for your content to reach an audience spread far and wide.
Content marketing is more data-driven; there are tools to measure performances like shares, engagements and analysis of channel effectiveness. You also get to know what people are doing before and after they interact with any piece of content. It is time to optimize content to maximize results in content marketing.