3 Tips for Saving Added Maintenance Cost on Your Car

Posted by MG Auto Motorsport
Dec 14, 2018

Owning a car comes with its fair share of opportunities as well as challenges. The most obvious challenge is, of course, the money a car owner needs to spend on its maintenance on a regular basis. A recent estimate revealed that an average Briton spends £388 on the maintenance of their cars every month. That’s not cheap, not by any account.

Furthermore, that’s only the basic cost of maintenance. If you factor in the occasional repair bills, the prices go up exponentially higher. So, it’s imperative that you follow the right practices to maximise the efficiency of your car, minimise the probability of repairs and save some cash in the process.

Here are 3 crucial ways to do that.

  1. Use the right fluids

A car relies on various fluids for performing efficiently. Engine oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid, radiator fluid, AC coolant, and power steering fluid are all crucial for its performance. There are three primary functions of these fluids:

  • Keeping the component cool

  • Keeping the various parts well-lubricated

  • Keeping them clean

Using the right grade of oil for refilling purposes is crucial. For example, if your car manual says that your engine requires oil of 5W-30 viscosity, 10W-30 or 0W-30 won’t do. Manufacturers go to great lengths to determine the appropriate grade of oil necessary, which you should follow to the T.

  1. Never ignore the CEL

Till the time that cars can talk, the CEL is the best way of determining if there’s something wrong with it. Many drivers do not attach the appropriate importance to these lights and leave them flashing till kingdom come. There are very few practices which are more harmful than this.

The CEL is your car’s way of asking for help. Ignoring it only aggravates the issue and 9 times out of 10, you’ll be left staring at a massive repair bill when your car does break down entirely because you ignored the CEL for weeks. Take your vehicle to MG Autos as soon as one of those lights gets lit. They have an excellent repair crew who perform quick and efficient car repair in Ripley and also stock a vast collection of spare tyres.

  1. Invest in premium spare parts

While it may sound counter-intuitive for saving money, spending a few extra bucks on premium products actually saves more in the longer run.

Take tyres for example. You may be interested in purchasing part-worn tyres which are available for as low as £20. While those are attractive budget alternatives, they seldom last for any meaningful amount of time. Plus, you’ll constantly be visiting garages for Tyre Repair Ripley as the chances of leaks and other defects are significantly higher on part-worns. Premium tyres, on the other hand, mostly come with extended tread life warranties and last for years on end.

These are just a few ways in which you can save some money on your car maintenance and repairs. Careful and safe driving habits also contribute to lower repair bills. As the adage goes, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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