3 Technology Advancements in Cars You May Not Know About

Technology is affecting all aspects of our lives, and the automotive industry is not left behind. One of the easiest ways to tell just how much technology has changed over the years is to look at how cars operate nowadays. Initially started by carts being pulled by horses, cars have come a long way in advancements. The present-day model looks nothing like the cars of the past. As we head into a world where technology affects most areas, it is important to note that cars have also embraced this phase. The cars being manufactured currently have most of these advancements in their system. Here are some of the technological advances in cars that you might not know about.
Driver Override Systems
We can all agree that some drivers do not need to be behind the wheel - from drunk drivers to drivers sleeping while on the highway, there are excessively many examples of reckless driving on our roads. The consequences of these irresponsible drivers often mean car accidents that take away lives and scar others for life. Car override systems can reduce all these.
Currently, there are smart cars that have Artificial Intelligence (AI) installed in them. AI determines when there are imminent dangers and can quickly judge a situation and know what to do about it. There are situations where the driver needs to do brake or slow down. With such override systems, the car will act even without the driver's prompting. The introduction of this technology in cars will reduce the number of accidents on the road. Whether the driver is competent or not, the cars will be run by an intelligent system to ensure everything runs according to plan.
Mechanic On Wheels
We have all been in situations where your car kept making a funny noise when you drive. Since you are either broke or do not see the need to go to the garage, you will keep driving it and hope it does not stop in the middle of a busy highway. Such notions are the reason why so many people end up driving their cars until they are broken down.
With the mechanic on wheels technology, all this trouble will be reduced. Your car can diagnose itself and establish a mechanical problem. Once it does that, it can alert a mechanic using the virtual dealership BDC and determine when to take it in for a diagnosis. The technology ensures that your car is always taken care of, no matter the situation. You will be informed of your mechanic appointments as many times as you need to be. When the mechanic needs to book an appointment with you, the car will also indicate. There will be no more excuses for you driving around in a faulty vehicle.
Comprehensive Tracking System
If you have ever had your car stolen, then you know the stress that follows after. Chances are you might never find it, or you might get it when it is already damaged. In such scenarios, time is of the essence. Many car trackers are added to the car after being bought, meaning carjackers can remove them after a robbery. Tracking such a car will be close to impossible since the tracking system will no longer in it. Having a better tracking system with the car ensures that the car owner knows its location. You might have to pay slightly more for this feature, but the benefits will be worth it in the end. You can monitor your car's actual live location. The tracking system will be helpful, especially if you run a car hire service. You get to know how your car is being used and whether the returns brought in are the right amount.
Technology is changing the way we lead our lives. Very soon, it is going to encompass everything around us. Annually new automotive technology is invented. It would be best to remember when buying a car to look at how long it will stay operational, and the latest tech it has installed. Get a car that will serve you for years to come, even though many features will be developed in the future.