Why Your Employees Aren't Happy and How to Fix It

Posted by Maggie Bloom
Aug 4, 2021

As an entrepreneur, staff in a good mood means higher productivity levels. To avoid a negative trajectory of your business, it is crucial to lifting their spirits.

According to statistics, unhappy workers cost the US government about $55 billion yearly. Your business must detect any dissatisfaction in your organization.

Keeping your employees happy can help you retain them for the long term. As a result, you avoid disrupting normal business functions. You also prevent wasting time on new recruitment.

Some employees may be open to sharing their feelings with you. However, you can always use the following tactics to know why there is unhappiness.

Why Your Employees Are Not Happy

Lack of Recognition for Hard Work

As you have noticed, most employees are always anxious when they join your company. As a result, they work to please your management to show you made the right choice. The employees aim to live up to your company's expectations and end up working hard very hard.

However, when you don't recognize these employee's efforts, their happiness dwindles. As a result, they have affected moods that may cause their unhappiness.

You should also not recognize a different person who didn't contribute to a project. This scenario will take place when your senior employees steal ideas and pass them on as their own.

Office Bullying

Bullying in your company can be verbal insults or psychological attacks. It may not be easy for you to spot.

As a result, resentfulness may develop among company employees.

Lack Of Opportunities To Grow

Your employees will always want to learn and earn more at your company. Employees also crave the chance to develop career-wise. 

If your employees feel that there are no opportunities, they may lose ambition. As a result, it affects their moods and leads to unhappiness in your company.

Lack of Work-life Balance

Buddy Punch states that a healthy work-life balance is vital. Work-life balance ensures that your employees have good relationships out of work.

Employee time tracking may also hinder them from being free to associate. Your employees need time to form meaningful relationships in and outside work.


Always ensure that you give heads up to all employees about a promotion in your company. You will ensure that they feel valued and have a chance of promotion. You should also not promote employees you get along with if they are not the best fit to avoid unhappiness.

Personal Issues

Employee's domestic and health issues can also affect the mood of your company. Some of your employees don’t put aside domestic matters while at work. As a result, they may develop unhappiness while working for you.

How to Deal With Unhappy Employees 

Deal With issues as Soon As Possible

After realizing unhappy employees, you have to deal with the issue fast. Underestimating the problems can cost you in the long run as the problem may develop. Ignoring the problem won't help. Instead, work to resolve issues and restore normalcy.

Be Empathetic And Professional

Giving your employees a chance to speak about how they feel at work can help you resolve unrest issues. Opening doors for discussion can help to know where the problem lies.

Employees might react in dramatic ways or pretend that there is no problem at all. It is up to you to respond to them professionally to show them that you can calmly resolve issues. By understanding your employees, you will be able to deal with the issues accordingly.

Keep Conversation Private

It would help if you approached unhappy employees in private. Approaching these issues in front of others will give you undesired reactions. As a result, you will not be able to restore good working conditions in your company.

Communicate about an employee's unhappiness to the other employees. However, you should not disclose details that might hurt the employee more.

Record And Document

It is crucial to document the whole process of problem resolving with your employees. The recording will allow you to remind the employees of the best way to conduct themselves. As a result, you can keep their behavior in check.

Follow up With Employees.

After resolving issues, you should follow up with employees and track their progress. Following up makes the employees valued and heard.

Have a Clear Disciplinary Plan

Having a clear plan in your company to deal with issues can be vital to control employees' actions. The method should be respectable and involve suggestions from your employees.

To resolve unhappiness in your company is a process that might take a while. You should always resolve issues despite how frustrating they make you feel. As a result, you will create a passionate team that will take you to the next level.

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