3 Reasons to Still Hit The Gym During a Pandemic
3 Reasons to Still Hit The Gym During a Pandemic
The pandemic has pushed people in various directions. People can't do the things they used to do. The good thing is experts agree people need to stay in shape. It may seem strange to make this a priority, but there are reasons why it definitely should be important.
Drop-in Activity
You need to hit the gym during the pandemic because of the drop in physical activity that you and many people are experiencing. It's not something people thought about before the pandemic, but they're thinking about it now. Every day you had to do something. Maybe you had to shop or go to work. Your office life may have forced you to walk around every so often.
A shopping day could last a few hours, and walking from store to store is still physical activity. All of that is gone or greatly reduced during the pandemic. Many people are left with just their time at home. This is not a good thing, especially for those who've been trying to stick to a specific physical regimen. If you ever thought you needed to exercise, the pandemic has made this even more vital.
Going to the gym during these times requires some changes on your part, but you can adapt. You will have to wear a mask, maybe even a face shield. You should have an alcohol free hand sanitizer so that you can clean yourself often since other folks touch the equipment. In essence, you want to follow all the guidelines.
Improving Immunity
Your immune system is another reason you want to exercise. The pandemic has shown the world how important it is to be as healthy as possible. The immune system, in particular, has been given particular attention lately because of its importance regarding your health.
Of course, COVID-19 is something else entirely, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to make your immune system as effective as possible. There are a few things that happen in your body when you exercise. For one, your body can flush out bacteria or viruses better when you do this activity. The faster your body gets rid of that, the more prepared your immune system will be dealing with the next attack.
As you exercise, blood flow increases. This is another positive thing for your health and immune system. Healthy circulation means white blood cells (your immune system's soldiers) will be able to get where they need to be as soon as an attack is detected. Exercise also helps reduce inflammation. Of course, inflammation is a natural function that can be helpful, but chronic inflammation begins to overwork your immune system and ends up compromising your health.
Breaking the Pattern
Being at home all day or most of the time can get a little boring. This may not seem like a big deal, but it can get to you after a while. A lot of people are experiencing something like this. They are feeling lonely. They feel every day is the same. Some people are simply tired of all of this. All of this causes stress and frustrates people.
Thankfully, if you follow CDC guidelines, you can go to the gym. Most gyms are taking big steps to ensure everyone's protected while they're inside exercising, like spacing out machines and asking visitors to wear masks. This means your gym trip can be one of your breaks, and that could give you some peace.
Human beings need to feel like they're doing something different every so often, and this could be something to break the cycle. There will be some people there, and that's going to feel good after social distancing from everyone. Sure, you can't really talk all that much, but you can still say hello and feel like you're part of society again. As mentioned earlier, loneliness is another thing people are feeling, but if you go to the gym, you might not feel that any longer.
You have three reasons to go to the gym now, but there are many more to consider. Talk to your trainer, and you'll see why it's important to at least add this activity back to your life even during the pandemic.