3 Best Practices for Social Networking

Posted by Richa Jha
May 2, 2017

The use of social networking in communication has been increasing every day. Various researches have shown the usage profile and impact of social media on education, health, and overall lifestyle. You could be using your online profile for chatting and sharing videos or images or receiving information on latest songs or free desktop wallpaper. You could also be using the internet for connecting with professionals or seek educational information. The scope and potential of this arena is almost endless.

As a new user or a veteran online marketer who is trying to leave their mark on the new social networking sites in India, the following 3 practices will help you get more than simple conversation with friends or family –

Reply Back

Nobody likes being left hanging for a response from anybody. So always make it a point to respond back to either friends or business clients or users of your product. This will put a lack of trust and respect in the eyes of them and they would not feel lack of trust while dealing with you. Never be harsh or rude with your clients. However, there may be certain rude elements out there that might annoy you. In such a situation either ignore them or report their actions.

Innovation is the Key

People want fresh and new information every day. They do not like to be served the same old content in a same old format. Old content is a big turn off just like being served cold food in a restaurant. Remember, that the shelf life of online content is very low. It is not like television news or radio bulletin. People will quickly scan through your information. If it is presented in a unique and innovative manner, then they will definitely like it and forward it to others. An example of this could be you informing the people about how they can access free music or free desktop wallpaper and how royalty free wallpaper is beneficial for them.

Tap into Niche Content

Try and bring in exclusive features to your website or online portal. Understand the demographics of the place you live in and plan some special content for your web page accordingly. For instance, e-education is an area that could be focused on. You can provide interactive videos or some help with chapters of some textbook. Another example of this could be giving guidance with the career to the youth or helping them with employment opportunities.

These practices are meant to provide a complete and authentic user experience to your clients and to you as an individual. Following them could earn you a significant advantage in the social arena.

Learn more about social networking, go to www.sabakuch.com

Source:- http://www.sooperarticles.com/internet-articles/social-networking-articles/3-best-practices-social-networking-1573848.html

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