in the early morning or evening hours
I’ve put this book online because I want Puma Ferrari Drift Cat Shoes Black
everyone to enjoy running as much as I do. But I also hope that you’ll
use this online resource to share your own experiences with others.
Please write in the comments boxes. Plan a progressive running program
to prevent injuries. A five-minute warm-up Puma Ferrari Shoes Black With White
(which should raise one's temperature by one degree) followed by
stretching exercises, is essential before starting a run. Following the
run, stretching again is important, because microtears that may have
occurred will heal better.During hot weather, running should be
scheduled in the early morning or evening hours, to avoid heat
exhaustion. Do not run when pollution levels are high. Be sure to have
adequate rest between training sessions.Excessive clothing can produce
sweating, which causes the body to lose heat rapidly and can increase
the risk of hypothermia. Instead, dress in layers. The inner layer
should be material that takes perspiration away from the skin
(polypropylene, thermax); the middle layer (not necessary for legs)
should be for insulation and absorbing moisture (cotton); the outer
layer should protect Puma Ferrari Shoes FireBrick With WhiteSmoke against wind and moisture (nylon).
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