Developing Our Lives in 2011
My wife, Barbara Aki, has some words of wisdom that will help us in this coming year. Enjoy!!
The year 2011 will cause many people to re-evaluate their lives and make New Year's resolutions. Focusing on the new always seems exciting and adventurous. "New" helps the economy. Every year, manufacturers bring to market new cell phones, televisions and computers, to name a few. The anticipation of a new year is an exciting one; many people feel like it is a new slate. "This is the year that all our goals will be met," they say. This is what we tell ourselves year after year after year, only to divagate or stray from our well-intended mission.
As I reviewed my own personal list of what I want to achieve in the coming year, the thought came across my mind about the things that I need to develop. I have many things that are not completed and need developing. It seems easier to just throw away the old and bring in the new; after all, many of us are taught that new is better. Yet, if new is always better then, why doesn't new stay new for long?
When we develop something, we alter its position relative to its desired state. One of the definitions of development according to is "to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of; bring to a more advanced or effective state." Our bodies, for example, are in a process of regeneration. We do not receive new bodies; although many of us wish we could. We have to give our bodies the proper amount of nutrition and the sleep and medical attention to help our bodies continue to work for us. In the places we live, we can not always move when we feel some dissatisfaction about where we live, so many of us embark on home improvement projects, developing our home to what we would have it to be.
The company that I represent acknowledges that we are always in the process of development. Nikken has been in business for more than thirty five years. Nikken focuses on the five pillars of health which consist of a "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Family, Healthy Society, and Healthy Finances." In the year 2011, choose one or all of these five pillars of health and seek to develop them.
My suggestion to my readers are to review the five pillars of health and perhaps among the five there may be one or more that you may want to develop. As always, I welcome your comments; and have a Happy Healthy New Year!
For more information about Barbara Aki, visit her blog at
Comments (22)
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Laura Newton
The Water Filter Lady
Great article..and I am looking at your wifes site. This looks very interesting.
Al Hamilton
Online Marketing
Well written, Barbara. Healthy finances might be pushing it a bit....but really stress caused by poor finances does lead to a lot of health issues.
Marius Wlassak
Business Media Consultant
Improving our lifestyle is the final target for any internet user and business owner. just do it.
Teten Puridewa
Pro Entrepreneur
it's great opportunity...hidup indonesia
Daryoto Khadori
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Rajesh Kumar Dhiman
Your Win Always Behind Your Fear
Great... Thanks for sharing... very useful information...
Luis Figueroa
Independent Entrepreneur
Thanks for sharing this story, I may try it.
Mohd latif Ali ashia...
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Denis Kovacevic
I already read that "" and it's very useful information!
Tam Zamila
Gov staff
not sure what to say,but this is a useful program
Karjono SPd
yes, this site is a good, i will to join it.
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
Thanks. Happy Holidays and New Year! Teodor
Paula van Dun
I never make new year resolutions. Or any other. I make decisions and act upon it. Works better for me. But I like your article, it is well written. I hope that many Apsense members will make the resolution or decision to write better comments or to not comment at all if they have really nothing to say.
Oleg Spiridonov
During this holiday season, let us look within ourselves and to others and find ways to modulate our lives
Sue Tamani
Easy Steps to Success Franchise
I am very surprised to see that 'Healthy Finances' is one of the '5 pillars of health'.
Viktor(Buratino) Z.
School of eBusiness
We have to give our bodies the proper amount of nutrition and the sleep and medical attention to help our bodies continue to work for you.
Maria luisa Aquino
Internet Marketer
thanks for the great opportunity, ill check it
Clint White
Entrepreneur Extraordinaire
Thanks for the informative article. Here is to wishing you a happy, healthy and wealthy 2011
Heidi EP
IT/Web Consultant and PHP Developer
Interesting story and a good idea. :)