How to Leave Your Job to Start a Business.

Posted by Jackson Dcosta
Nov 21, 2010
Image Are you working at the right place? are you happy with your Job? Are you getting paid well for your services?
Most importantly, have you ever thought about the questions above? Many people who are just busy with their daily routine never get time to think. But there are some people who think on these questions but don't know what to do about it. Even I faced the same problem some years ago. I thought about the above questions and wanted to do something about it. Leaving the Job and searching for the right one was one solution but that too seemed as one more job with which i might get bored after sometime.
The problem here was not the job but the problem here was working under someone without any freedom to work on your own. It was as if your hands are tied up and you have to act like a puppet with strings in your boss's hand.
The solution her was to venture into something on your own. Something that gives you pleasure and which compensates you for your time.
So the first thing I started doing was planning. Planning is something that needs to be done before every action. Below are some steps that I took

1. What do i like doing?
List down all the things that you like doing. It can be playing cricket, football, Cooking or making various dishes, playing video games, dancing, singing etc. There are many things that you may like. Try to figure out how can you turn your hobby or something that you like into a commercial activity that may earn you good income. For Example, I liked to make chocolates. So i decided to make and sell them and also learned different recipes.

2. What can i depend on if I leave my Job.
Starting a business is not easy. There is lot of planning involved. Sometimes there may be no income for some months. So you may have to survive on some savings. So plan for such savings on which you can depend on for sometime until your business is fully set.

3. If possible start business along with you Job.
Try starting your business along with managing your Job side by side. This may be possible in some cases. You may find it a bit hectic in the beginning. But then as your business starts to take up speed, leave your job and then concentrate only on your business.

4. Never take a hasty decision.
Never be in a hurry to start what you think will work instantly. You may be wrong at times. Take advise from some senior persons in the industry. Look for information and do a proper research.

5. Part time jobs to support.
If you leave your Job and start your business and find that there is no income in the initial months then join some part-time job to support yourself as it will also allow you time to carry on your business. Example working as a part-time teacher in a college.

6. Networking
Always have a good network of friends. Increase your network. They may become your clients when your business is on. Best place to look for friends is your work place.

The above points are my personal experience. I kept the above in mind and jumped into a venture.
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Comments (7)
Lhd Ag

Affiliate Marketer

Thanks for sharing. Good post.

Nov 22, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@bronmandi, I'm in the same boat as you. Not for 20 years, I hope. :) More like 2 or 3 years would be great !

Nov 21, 2010 Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

Very good post for all of us.

Start a business alongside your job. That is what I am presently doing.

More posts like this, please.

Nov 21, 2010 Like it
Kjell Haraldssonn Sk...

Affiliate, Marketing, Consultant

Very good blog, indeed

Nov 21, 2010 Like it
Vladimir Lugansky

Forex Trade

Good blog The excellent information for users

Nov 21, 2010 Like it
Mohd Farezal Ramli

Good blog Bro!

Nov 21, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Bookmarked, topped and shared. Very good post Jackson.

Keep sharing your experience.

Nov 21, 2010 Like it
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