If we can produce new cells , we live

Posted by Thanapoom L. Li
Nov 13, 2010
If your body can produce more new cells you live , If your body cells die more than it can produce , you die 

Approved from Food & Drugs Administration in Thailand 
Proven to make humans body create more strong and healthy cells . 
More to come soon 
This picture is from a person who is getting stronger , recovering from diabetes

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Comments (4)
Thanapoom L. Li

Tintin in Thailand

yes , our world have it all, but sometimes you need to take lots of it to be enough to cure something that causes the problem in our body.

Nov 18, 2010 Like it
Keith Thomas

Network Marketing

Hopefully there is something out there to help cells rebuild that you can take naturally, before it ever develops to losing your limbs.

Nov 18, 2010 Like it
Thanapoom L. Li

Tintin in Thailand

I've been following the person who did the studies ,of what he is selling now. just got approved by the FDA Thailand not long ago. And he guarantees for the person who follow his advice that he/she will recover from whatever illness they have, This is a medicine for any illness, but it helps us build up new body cells, and once your body is back in shape ,your body will take care of everything. If you have someone that can't be healed maybe they want to rest somewhere in Asia , take their course

Nov 16, 2010 Like it
Matt Stephens

Fitness is Now

This is crazy and sad how diabetes can start taking things from you.. My friends father has lost a couple of toes due to diabetes.

Nov 16, 2010 Like it
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