Our Lady Mary Mediatrix of all Grace

Our Blessed Mother appeared 19 times to a novice in the Carmelite order in Lipa
City, Philippines. Our Lady first appeared to the novice, Teresita Castillo, in
August, when she was in her cell.
While Teresita was
praying in the convent garden on September 12, suddenly a vine began to shake.
Our Lady appeared to the seer and requested that she kiss the earth and return
to the same spot for fifteen consecutive days. When Our Lady appeared, She was
on a cloud, dressed in white, hands clasped, and a golden Rosary hanging from
Her right hand. Her dress was very white, very simple, and had a narrow belt
tied around Her. She was radiant with beauty.
Our Lady requested the
vine to be blessed, and also requested that a statue was to be placed at the
site of the apparition. These were all accomplished.
During the apparitions
in 1948, Our Lady stressed humility, penance, prayers for the clergy and the
Pope, and to pray the Rosary. Teresita reported that there was one secret for
herself, one for the Carmel convent in Lipa City, one for China, and also one
for the entire world.
Our Lady requested that
a Mass be held on the 12th day of every month. Before She departed for the last
time, the Blessed Virgin identified Herself as:
" I am the
Mediatrix of All Grace"
There are acconts of a
blue bird appearing at the vine where Our Lady appeared. There are also
accounts of the spinning sun, heavy fragrance of roses, and showers of rose
petals that had miraculous images of Christ, Mary, and other Holy Scenes on
them. The rose petals (one is pictured on the top of this page, and another is
pictured on the bottom) are reported to have remarkable curing powers.
It is also reported that
Teresita received a Host for Holy Communion on her tongue from an angel on an
occasion when she was unable to attend Mass because she was sick in bed.
Teresita had other mystical experiences including visions of the Sacred Heart,
a multitude of angels, St. Cecilia, St. Theresa of Lisieux, and many other
saints. The seer was also seen to go into a state of unconsciousness, and then,
while lying on the floor, enact the agony of Christ on the Cross. This
phenomenon was witnessed by the prioress, Bishop Obviar, and members of the
Carmel community at Lipa.
There was much
commotion, and the Bishop and Mother Prioress were released of their jobs. The
nuns were ordered to destroy all materials connected with the apparitions. They
burned Teresita's diary, as well as the Mother Prioress'. The statue was also
ordered to be destroyed, but the nuns kept it away, and saved it from
Our Lady warned that
there would be persecutions; the convent was sealed, and the nuns could talk to
no one outside of the convent.
In February 1990, a
strange new phenomenon was reported in the Granja District of Lipa City. A
white luminous outline of a female in prayer began to appear on one of the
leaves of a tall coconut tree. It was visible only in the evenings. On May 21,
1990, Sr. Aphonse pleaded on her deathbed that the Mediatrix statue be again
exposed in the chapel at the Carmelite convent. Her request was granted the
very next day. It would be the first time the statue would be displayed for 40
On January 24, 1991,
rose petals began to fall straight from the sky again at the Carmelite convent
in Lipa City. A few days later, six children playing in the garden at the
convent saw the statue come to life.
Very negative media
articles together with sham " Holy Rose Petals " dealers, caused
Teresita to leave the convent in the 1950's. This, together with the Church's
negative report, kept these apparitions hidden for some 40 years.
As a consequence, the
Church has now set up a new commitee to investigate the apparitions.
For more information,
please contact:
Sr. Celine Gutierrez,
ocd Shrine of Our Lady, Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace Torres St., Antipolo Lipa
City, Batangas, Philippines
Comments (23)
Mariana Norman
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Data Analys
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Arthur Mulloy
Art Mulloy
I do not really believe in this stuff as there have been so many contradictions in the bible and life about religion. This does not mean it is not a beautiful sentiment and also does not stop others from believing. Make sure you believe in yourself first.
Ohmi Thaper
There are acconts of a blue bird appearing at the vine where Our Lady appeared.
Gobindsing Tecksinga...
Business Owner, 'My Crystal Garden'
Lie Wang
thanks for youe information ,good day.