Contact Info
My name is Neno Crvelin Internet nickname Affiliantes.
I am Internet Marketing Organizer and Social Media Optimizator.
Work Online in Social Media Optimization (SMO) and their impact to Search Engine Marketing(SEM).
Creating a New Program Social Network Marketing - using social pages and their connection for promotion and advertising.
I would like to work with you to give you the opportunity to learn more about me, our support team, system and products.
If at the end you fe
Nov 2008
Neno is a great team member. He is very active and knows a lot about viral marketing. He can help anyone with his ideas and suggestions of how to make...
Neno - Just thought a note of appreciation here along with the one in APSenseME would be cool... You have brought me to one heck of a site, sir, and ...
hoping to connect even further and wanted to let you know of a great tool with comf5 a technology refresh... http://bit...
i'm learn from your way and thank you to show me how get income from affiliate business
I always look forward to your posts. Keep up the great work. I certainly wish there were more like you. A pleasure for sure, Cindy