How to install swimming pool lights?

Posted by Casey Hess
Sep 30, 2010
Installation of swimming pool lights  need not to be expensive or time-consuming task. There are a lot of non-construction pool lights, such as those that are battery operated or hanging cord style, only take moments to install, whether it is an above ground one, an inground, or even hayward swimming pool. Again, putting up of such is just a snap of a finger.

Why is there a need to install this kind of light? Most pool owners want their pool to function as lively as they are during day time. And because of this, they will really invest for something that can make their business operational at night. There are various types of swimming pool lights that also come in different colors and styles, depending on the consumers' preference. Listed below are the easy steps on how to install your pool lights.

1. Choosing a light - It is important to put into consideration its life span in order for you to know how long and when the batteries should be replaced. It is also important to know the pool size and the amount of electrical work required. It is best to select a suction-mounted light to avoid draining your pool and drilling holes in it.

2. Assemble light - Most of the swimming pool lights come with a complete package. It is best to read first the manual included before starting out with the first installation process. Assemble the light according to the manufacturer's specifications and check all seals for water tightness. This can be done by submerging the light in shallow water and watch for bubbles.

3. Set up the power supply - For battery-operated lights, just put in the batteries and you can already proceed to the next step. For those corded light, however, you have to set up a power source. If there is no possible outlet, you need to install a waterproof junction box on an existing power line.

4. Install the light - Test the light to ensure that it is properly working. Mount the light on the pool wall according to the manufacturer specifications.

With these easy steps, you can start installing one for your pool, save up for your swimming pool maintenance and enjoy this man-made aquatic recreation even at night. Now, it is no longer a problem on how you are going to host a dinner celebration or a party in this time of the day.
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