A Helpful Tid Bit for any form of writing or advertising! Don't get Rejected!

How many times have you needed to write an article or advertisement that had letter or word count restrictions. You have it all written up beautifully - Just the way you want it - just to have your perfect ad or essay rejected - due to too many letter/number characters or words. You have to start your masterpiece all over ..again!
Wish I had thought of googling text/word count a long time ago.
Wish I had thought of googling text/word count a long time ago.
I'm so glad I found this site - thought I'd share it. Just copy and paste your work in the block provided on this web site ...you will get a letter or word count instantly. Great for writing advertisements - or school essays - twittering - etc. anywhere that you have character restrictions. You will get automatic counts on your letter count or word count.
I'm sure there are other sites that you can use for this..but..this one is free - and no downloading anything.
Tools can be a great thing - for accuracy and time savers! Enjoy!
Comments (5)
Lisa G.
Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
You are all so welcome!
Thank you for the kind comments!
I'm glad you all can use this tool too.
Frank McMillon
Web Designer and Professional Consultant
Been there-done that a number of times. Thanks for sharing this amazing resource.
Damodaran K raman
good idea.
helpful. like more articles like this
Ezee Bids
Online Auction
great news. I never had thought about this
Vps Malhotra
Free Lancer
Hey This shall prove a good helpful tool to obviate much of the toil. Thanks!
I have posted it on my site blog http://vpsmalhotra.blogspot.com with full credits to "BIG Crumbs"
It is wonderfultool to get with
I rate thid site and business blog as Excellent