Apsense Special Journal Extension. Question of the Week. #5 by Beth Ventures

Posted by Lisa G.
Apr 23, 2008

Special Extension from http://www.apsense.com/article/112229.html



Beth's Question:

What would you do if you found out that you have a super power?

What super power would it be?
...and how would you use it!?!


Get to know Beth!




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Comments (23)
Terry Willis

Guitarist & Song Writer

Things near and far are not less beautiful than things remote.
The near explains the far.
The drop is the small ocean.
In yourself is the law of nature.
In yourself slumbers the whole of reason.

It is for you to know all.

Mar 10, 2010 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Yes, Beth...

When I am sampling beverages and some foods, I am also sampling the folks and atmosphere around me, too....

When I was younger, this particular talent would give me nightmares, until I learned how to gain control... I can inject Humour into my dark dreams-- Which, by the way, are usually caused by snippets from the crappy atmosphere that's pervading the country these days... There are a lot of really un-happy folks out there...

May 7, 2008 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Ok Peaceful,

so you are saying that Lucid Dreaming is your super power and that it really helps after an evening of celebrating with Tequila, Mezcal and strong Spanish coffee...because... there would be nightmares if you didn't have this amazing skill?

that's too cute

May 7, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

After a bit too much Cinco' de Mayo celebration, my dreams can become real doozies....

I dreamt that I was given a backstage pass to one of Hillary's campaign parties-- With the works thrown in... from food to beers and all kinds of party stuff! :)

In my dream, she had become incensed about an "All-In-Fun" Apsense article that I created about her-- But then decided to show me a good time so that I could tell folks about another side of her-- (Seriously can't go into details here) LOL! :

May 7, 2008 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Throw flour on an invisible person? Jeunelle! LOL...

but how would you know I was there?


May 3, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Hi Jeunelle. That's good to know. I'd rather it be a sign of stopping me from doing something..than someone out there who has bad intentions of me..lol.

May 2, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

LMAO..you are so funny Juenelle.

I'm glad to know that I dream beautifully. That is a very nice compliment!

Once in a blue moon, I've had dreams about boa constrictors and they ususally wind up putting me in a choke hold. Being the animal lover that I am, I don't fight back, but wake up before I choke them back.
Sure enough, I'll have some a-hole..approach me the next day..fiesty..fiesty...little bugar type..you know..lol. (In my best Austin Power imitation)
I've heard dreaming abou

Apr 25, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Sounds like a premonition to me. Wow. I got chil bumps & teary eyed reading about your dream. I remember that morning. As I was driving my little boys to school, an announcement was made over the radio, to not Panic...but I did not catch the whole conversation. The next comment was to stay calm, and that it's probably okay to go about your normal routine. I looked at my boys, and consider turning my car around. I had no idea what or where?

Well..on that note, guess I'm glad I only hav

Apr 25, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

I hope you will have a flying dream.
I wish that my flying dreams came every night.
They are almost like something out of a Peter Pan movie

Apr 24, 2008 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Love my flying dreams - haven't had one for a while though.........
Maybe tonight. :-)

Apr 24, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

This is Fun! You all have me doing some super natural day dreaming!
Guess I went to bed thinking about it..had my flying dream last night...WEeeeee!! lol.
I worked my alarm clock right in, barely got up in time to brush my teeth with my eyes still closed..and get the kids to school on time..lol. Hate getting woke up from a great dream.
Another thing I would fix with super powers, I would be a clock stopper.

Apr 24, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Super Speed , Invisibility and Bi- Location...

I could travel anywhere quickly, party nekkid, and work all at the same time! :)

Apr 24, 2008 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Lisa! Bewitched is awesome and i'd forgotten she could freeze frame the people! that's hysterical...I definitely need the nose twitch to get stuff done around here...

Snakesmum...(i love that name) Flying to all those places first? I have a sneaking suspicion you would be distracted by emergencies before you got anywhere fast! unless you kept it a secret!

Cheryl? I think you just want to be Mother Nature! and have all the power! *smiles*

Jeunelle! Fire Woman... Look Out... we definitely ne

Apr 24, 2008 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Didn't know you were a pyromaniac, Jeunelle ! :-) I like the
way you think.

Apr 24, 2008 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

After one too many hurricanes I'd love to be like Storm and control the weather. I think that's self explanatory!

Apr 23, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Oh my gosh..what a cool thought, Jean!!

I have dreams all the time about flying..they seem soooo real. In my dreams, I'm always trying to teach others how to fly, and telling them it's so easy, anybody can do it.
I tell them, it starts out just sorta hovering & feeling the energy throughout your body....and the lifting yourself up off the ground..just hover for awhile......then you will begin to feel weightless...and carefree...and begin to fly. Just move your arms gently through the air..

Apr 23, 2008 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Hhmmmm, I think I'd like the power to fly, so I could visit all those places
I'd like to get to.

After I've had some fun with it, maybe I'll go and help some deserving people!

Imagine zippng along through the air at hundreds of miles per hour - the
freedom ! :-)

Apr 23, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Boy oh boy...girl oh girl...do I ever wish that I had super powers.

I would be like Samantha from Bewitched, that's for sure.
You guys know by now about me & housework..lol. A twitch of my nose, and Perfect-oh!
The perfectly organzied and tidy house.

I would love to be able to freeze folks too.like Sam could do....could put an end to a lot of Bull..shh....it...lol. Hey guys..this is a fun question Beth came up with..

Let's have some fun!!!! :p

Apr 23, 2008 Like it
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